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Introduction to Romanticism

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1 Introduction to Romanticism

2 What is Romanticism? A revolt against the rational, classically influenced ideals of the Enlightenment It has nothing to do with proms or holding hands. From a group of writers (known as the Romantics) revolutionized the role of art and the artist – advocating rebellion, emotion, and sensuality. Romantics placed value on feeling, intuition, imagination, and the individual. Romantics found inspiration in nature, rural life, folklore, and fantasy – a celebration of the ordinary

3 Characteristics found in Romanticism
Revolutionary/Rebellious – emphasizes political or artistic freedom, originality, and a discontent with the ways of the past Folksy/Down-to-Earth – admires the simple life of the common man Nature-Worshipping – idealizes nature for all its qualities, both destructive and soothing

4 More characteristics Supernatural/Mystical – explores the weird, fantastic, and magical Adventurous/Danger Seeking – zealously pursues excitement and thrills Sentimental/Poignant – giving the past special qualities and feelings

5 More characteristics Sensuous / Passionate – elevates the amorous above merely feeling to a form of art Defender of Liberty – upholds individual rights over the powers of government Emotionally intelligent – champions the powers of dreams and emotions as a guide to life Art-Loving – celebrates art and artists

6 Is it Romantic?

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