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Grilled Cheese Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Grilled Cheese Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grilled Cheese Lab

2 Before You Begin….. Tie back long hair / remove scarves/ jewelry etc.
Wash and dry hands. Review recipe Gather supplies and materials

3 What You Need: Butter knife 2 slices of bread Sharp knife
Utensils/ Supplies Ingredients Butter knife Sharp knife Spatula Stove Frying pan Cutting board 2 slices of bread 1 cheese slice Butter

4 Step 1: Preparation Butter your 2 slices of bread using the butter knife. (You can decide if you want to butter one or both sides of your bread.) Unwrap the cheese slice.

5 Step 2: Let’s begin Turn burner to medium heat (5 or 6).
Place pan on burner. Put your 2 slices of bread into pan – BUTTER SIDE UP Lay your cheese slice on the counter (but close to you)

6 Step 3: Browning Keep your spatula in your hand and periodically check to see if your bread is starting to turn golden brown on the bottom.

7 Step 4: Putting it together
When the bread starts to brown, turn over BOTH slices of bread. Lay the cheese on 1 browned side. Carefully place the other slice ON TOP of the cheese BROWN SIDES TOGETHER!

8 Step 5: Final steps When the bottom slice is browned, flip over to brown the other slice. When the grilled cheese is done, remove from pan and place onto paper towel. Remove frying pan from burner. Turn off stove. Lay spatula on the counter.

9 Step 6: Cutting Bring your grilled cheese to the cutting board.
Cut in half using the sharp knife. Eat and enjoy. Don’t forget to clean up your mess and finish the paper part of the lab!

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