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Welcome! We’re happy to have you with us today!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! We’re happy to have you with us today!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! We’re happy to have you with us today!
“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name” (Psm. 100:4).

2 What Did You Bring? Deut. 16:16-17; Matt. 5:23-24

3 Are your hands full?

4 Latreuo focuses on the act of worship, while proskuneo focuses on the attitude of worship.
God desires both. John 4:24

5 I. Worship perverted

6 Unacceptable worship:
Cain brought fruit. Gen. 4:2-7 Nadab and Abihu brought fire. Lev. 10:1-2 Jereboam brought calves. 1 Kgs. 12:28-32

7 God expects worship to be done as He has commanded.

8 II. Worship PRIZED

9 “When the NT uses proskuneo, the object is always something—truly or supposedly—divine.

10 . Peter refused worship from Cornelius. A. 10:23
. An angel refused worship from John. Rev. 19:10 . Paul and Barnabas refused worship from idolaters at Lystra. A. 14:11-15

11 The one and only object of worship is God!
Num. 21:8; 2 Kgs. 18:4; Matt. 4:10


13 Worship perversion involves not only external forms, but also the internal attitudes of the worshiper. Isa. 59:2

14 Attitudes Submission: . Jesus. Matt. 26:39ff . Daniel. Dan. 10:12 . Publican. Lk. 18:9ff

15 Attitudes Celebration: . Psm. 100:1-3 . Jas. 5:13

16 Conclusion True worship involves right actions. True worship involves right attitudes.

17 What did you bring? Are your hands full?

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