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Time Line for Program Reviews

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1 Time Line for Program Reviews
California Lutheran University

2 Basic map of program review processes
Month Action 1 Meet for overview on program review processes Review and revise mission, outcomes, fit 2 Meet with the Dean and the Dir. of EEIR 3 Review and improve assessment practices Review and revise program curriculum map 4 Review links between assignments and outcomes Review and revise table on instructional methods 5 Review evaluations and grade distributions 6 Collect comparison program information 7 Conduct alumni survey/focus groups 8 Nominate 3 external reviewers Examine institutional capacities 9 Review library resources and support 10 Write the 7-year Action Plan 12 Complete first draft of self-study 13 Review and edit with EEIR 14 Meet with Dean and EEIR on dates and external reviewer. 15 EEIR recruits and Dean invites the external reviewer 16 EEIR sends documents to the external reviewer 17 External reviewer drafts a report 18 Visit and reviewer report 19 Approve of external reviewer report 20 Program uses report to propose a Revised Action Plan 22 Meeting with Dean and EEIR for feedback 24 Dean writes the Dean’s Report

3 Months 1 and 2 Meet with EEIR for Overview of Program Review Processes Review and revise Program Mission Program Learning Outcomes Program Fit with University Strategic Plan CORE 21 Advocating for other programs Faculty Meeting with Dean and Director of EEIR

4 Months 3 & 4 Review and Improve Assessment Practices How do we monitor student progress on University SLOs? Program LOs? Review and revise the program Curriculum Map Review links between assignments and outcomes Review and revise table on instructional methods Review and revise Links between assignments and outcomes What will serve as accreditation evidence? Grading Rubrics

5 Months 5 & 6 Write Narrative Responses to Course Evaluation Data Grade Distributions -- Review patterns of D, F, W, and I Grades Faculty Load Collect and Compile Course Syllabi CVs Examples of Student Work

6 Months 7 & 8 Conduct Alumni Survey / Focus Groups Compile and Review Information on Comparison Programs Do Analysis on Market Forces What do employers say about your program? What attracts potential students? What detracts potential students from your program? Nominate at least 3 potential External Reviewers

7 Months 9 & 10 Examination of Institutional Capacities What are current student concerns? Conduct survey or focus groups of current students Curriculum Advising Services What are the conditions of the program facilities? What are the available resources for the program? What are faculty/students doing to raise support?

8 Months 9 & 10 (CONT.) Library Holdings Meet with Information Specialist Information Literacy Training Students Faculty Holdings Needed acquisitions Write the 7-year Action Plan

9 Complete first draft of self-study
Months 11 & 12 Complete first draft of self-study Review and sign-off by all members of program faculty

10 Months 13 & 14 Submit to Educational Effectiveness for first review and comment Submit to Dean for review Meet with Dean and EEIR on visit dates and external reviewer

11 Months 15 & 16 EE&IR contacts and requests availability Dean’s Office formally invites the External Reviewer EE&IR sends materials to the External Reviewer

12 Months 17 & 18 External Reviewer Drafts report Visits Submits report

13 Months 19 & 20 Dean, Dir. of EEIR and External Reviewer discuss report Dean approves the report (or seeks a new external review) Program uses External Reviewer Report to propose a Revised Action Plan

14 Months Program meets with Dean and Dir. of EEIR Dean provides feedback to the program on 1) Their self study process 2) The proposed action items that will or will not get support Program has the opportunity to ask questions and express concerns Dean writes a report on the Program Review EEIR “Publishes” and archives the completed program review Begin the new action plan.

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