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Industrial Technology Timber Stage 5

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1 Industrial Technology Timber Stage 5
General Wood - Core Module 2 Societal and Environmental Impact

2 Students learn about: Additional Content
(refer to Outcomes 5.7.1, 5.7.2) a range of techniques and skills to enhance the appearance and/or function of practical projects conversion and seasoning of timber select detailing techniques in addition to, or further to, any of the detailing methods chosen in General Wood 1 identify differences in appearance and properties of radially and tangentially cut boards explain the need to stack cut timber correctly for seasoning and storage compare the advantages and disadvantages of air and kiln seasoning

3 There are many ways we can enhance the appearance of timber
There are many ways we can enhance the appearance of timber. Some include: Finishing methods; Stain, Polyurethane, Spray finishes, Oil finish. Figured timbers: Burl, Quilted, Birds eye, Book matched. Contrasting timbers, Contrasting colours. Find a picture example for each. Appearance Select detailing techniques

4 There are many ways we can enhance the function of timber
There are many ways we can enhance the function of timber. Some include: Laminating veneers/plys into curves Multi laminated beams (LVL) Chemically treated to resist attack or rot, eg Treated pine. H3, H5, H7 Find a picture example for each. Function Select additional detailing techniques

5 Conversion & Seasoning
Compair: Through Sawn Quarter Sawn Back Sawn Radial Sawn Conversion & Seasoning Radial vs Tangentially cut boards

6 Conversion & Seasoning
Show how to stack timber for storage. Why is it important to have air flow? Why is it important not to have timber unsupported for large spans? Conversion & Seasoning Stacking timber for seasoning and storage

7 Conversion & Seasoning
Provide a 1 sentence description: Air Seasoning Kiln Seasoning Conversion & Seasoning Air vs Kiln seasoning

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