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CS6282 Very Large Scale Distributed Systems

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Presentation on theme: "CS6282 Very Large Scale Distributed Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS6282 Very Large Scale Distributed Systems
Ooi Wei Tsang SOC

2 Distributed Systems What is a distributed system? “Several computers doing something together” What is some examples of distributed systems?

3 Very Large Scale Distributed Systems
Add “very large scale”. What are some examples?

4 New technological trends lead to VLDS
More PCs, More CPU cycles, More bandwidth.

5 Examples

6 P2P File Sharing


8 News Alert

9 Web Services

10 Sensor Network

11 Examples of VLDS P2P File Sharing MMORPG News Alert Video on Demand

12 Explore basic techniques and their applications
Scope of CS6282 Explore basic techniques and their applications

13 Goal At the end of the class, students are expected to understand how to build large scale distributed systems.

14 Target Audience Anyone interested in distributed systems or
doing related research (db, grid, sensors, media etc.)

15 I am here to light you on fire, not to fill your bucket.
Learning Mode I am here to light you on fire, not to fill your bucket.

16 Learning Mode We learn together

17 Activities Read Think Discuss Innovate

18 Continuous Assessments

19 Exam (20%) Open Book Essay Type

20 Project (50%) Individual/Pair Research Based Expect Something New

21 Types of Project Identify a new problem Propose a solution

22 Types of Project Existing Problem New Solution

23 Types of Project Existing Solutions New Evaluations

24 Types of Project Existing Solutions New Application

25 Collect and Analyze Data
Types of Project Collect and Analyze Data New Insights

26 Project Components Define Problem Find Solution Implement Evaluate

27 Project Deliverables 8-page research paper Poster presentations

28 Combine Project with your current research
(subj. to advisor’s approval) with another module (subj to instructor’s approval)

29 In Class Participation
Discussions Scribing Presentations

30 Scribing Scribe notes Discuss and merge Typeset in LaTeX Post online

31 Presentations Read papers Present in class Answer questions

32 Assignments + Quizzes Quizzes Paper Reviews Survey

33 Zero-Tolerance for Plagiarism
WARNING Zero-Tolerance for Plagiarism

34 CS5223 Distributed Systems
Related Class CS5223 Distributed Systems Tue 6:30-8:30pm LT33 Gary Tan

35 Very Large Scale Distributed Systems
Add “very large scale”. What are some examples?

36 Design Requirements

37 Correct

38 Scalable

39 Robust

40 Efficient

41 Simple

42 Secure

43 Design Requirements Correct Scalable Robust Efficient Simple Secure

44 Undesirable Characteristics

45 Numbers

46 Scattered

47 Dynamic

48 Unreliable

49 Untrustable

50 Undesirable Properties
Numbers Scattered Dynamic Unreliable Untrustable

51 Motivating Examples

52 DNS (lookup)

53 P2P File Sharing (lookup, storage)

54 VoD (multicast)

55 MMORPG (global states)

56 Network Management (data collection)

57 Olympics News Alert (event notification)

58 Operations Lookup Multicast Data Collection Storage
Event Notifications :


60 Standard Techniques

61 (or some form of Hierarchy)
Build a Tree (or some form of Hierarchy)

62 Build a Mesh/Graph (or some structure)

63 Gossip (send to random nodes)

64 Flood (send to everyone)

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