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What Is Advocacy? Advocacy is a set of actions to create awareness and have a positive influence on a policy or a cause. It is done through education,

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Advocacy? Advocacy is a set of actions to create awareness and have a positive influence on a policy or a cause. It is done through education,"— Presentation transcript:


2 What Is Advocacy? Advocacy is a set of actions to create awareness and have a positive influence on a policy or a cause. It is done through education, reason and making a case for something. Question: What are the aims of ISCAP? This slide and the following slide will enable you to introduce the aims of ISCAP and discuss with the group why there was a need to develop the programme. For example to : Improve access to screening and diagnosis Improve availability of stoma care products Improve understanding and knowledge about stomas Improve social acceptability of stomas 5 5

3 What Is Advocacy? Advocacy operates on the assumption of a collective set of values and common good on behalf of others. In social advocacy the people are the beneficiaries of the stated good to arise from such actions. Question: What are the aims of ISCAP? This slide and the following slide will enable you to introduce the aims of ISCAP and discuss with the group why there was a need to develop the programme. For example to : Improve access to screening and diagnosis Improve availability of stoma care products Improve understanding and knowledge about stomas Improve social acceptability of stomas 5 5

4 ISCAP AIMS Encourage the development of advocacy initiatives
Assist ostomy associations/clubs achieve essential needs for people with a stoma. Positively influence healthcare awareness regarding stomas and its practices, public opinion and attitudes. Assist ostomy associations in empowering their members. Question: What are the aims of ISCAP? This slide and the following slide will enable you to introduce the aims of ISCAP and discuss with the group why there was a need to develop the programme. For example to : Improve access to screening and diagnosis Improve availability of stoma care products Improve understanding and knowledge about stomas Improve social acceptability of stomas 5 5

5 The key ways in which ISCAP seeks to work
Provides a framework for ostomy clubs/associations to work in partnership with Healthcare Professionals and opinion formers. Provides tools/resources Shares ideas/experience across associations/clubs Question: How does ISCAP work? This slide will enable you to describe how ISCAP works, introducing briefly at this point the Tool Kit and the Case Studies as well as describing your role in supporting ISCAP activities in your region. 6

6 Participating in ISCAP
Experience shows that ISCAP: Increases understanding of the needs of people with stomas Encourages the adoption of appropriate healthcare policies. Assists Ostomy Clubs in empowering their members It may also helpful to give some of the positive feedback received from the participating countries. 17

7 Forming and Strengthening New Associations/Clubs
Initiate New Stoma Groups Strengthening existing stoma groups Sustaining groups for the long term Create Awareness of Ostomates needs amongst Healthcare Professionals and Society. Made changes to slide 9

8 Key personnel to form and Strengthen Stoma Clubs/Associations
Surgeons E T’s and other health professionals Ostomy product/appliance providers Ostomates

9 To form and Strengthen Stoma Clubs/Associations
Others who may help: Cancer Societies Hospitals Health Authorities Local organisations Other Medical firms

10 The Most Important Group to Help are The Medical Professionals
Why? Understand the ostomates needs to lead a normal Life Can identify and assist ostomates Can contact and encourage Ostomates to join the Stoma Clubs Can provide opportunities through meetings

11 An Effective and Successful Stoma Club/Association
Identifies Partners Strives to work with them IOA has found that when all the groups work together, it has led to successful Stoma Clubs Change slide 13. The title and the points do not agree. The chinese givernment will not agree to groups working together

Before contact is made with potential members, it is essential to Identify a clearly defined goal. Main goal is “To reach as many people with ostomies as possible and to aid in their rehabilitation”. I question Continent procedures. Are these surgeries being conducted in China?

13 ACHIEVING THE GOAL encourage ostomates to resume their everyday activities as soon as it is physically possible, thereby helping them regain confidence and self esteem:

14 ACHIEVING THE GOAL B. demonstrate to the medical profession that ostomates can resume their pre-surgery lifestyle to help avoid any misconceptions about their general well-being

15 ACHIEVING THE GOAL C. educate the general public as to the
employability, social acceptability and general well-being of the person with an ostomy

16 ACHIEVING THE GOAL D. serve as a advocate within the society/club in matters of discrimination and provision of affordable, good quality ostomy appliances.

a. visiting program b. regular meetings c. newsletters/brochures/information leaflets

d. educational programs for people with ostomies family members and friends medical professionals the community

e. display of necessary medical equipment and supplies f. affiliation to a Stoma Club.

Make contact with as many ostomates as possible. Surgeons, Healthcare Workers can help. Local Doctors could be requested to mail a letter of introduction and Invitation to a meeting to each of their ostomy patients. Do not ask for names in advance as it would be unethical to reveal them.

Product suppliers can be asked to include a “flyer” with product orders. This letter of introduction, or flyer, should set out the purpose of the meeting. It is beneficial to include a reply slip giving those unable to attend the meeting an opportunity to be kept informed of future developments.

A. surgeons and other medical professionals. B. the cancer societies C. medical suppliers D. pharmacies E. social service departments in hospitals F. social service agencies G. discharge planners H. nursing associations I. newspapers and radio stations.

23 THE FIRST MEETING A. The place should be centrally located. Among
the possibilities of places in which to find a meeting room are: hospitals or medical professional facilities cancer society offices health centers businesses which have special meeting rooms

24 THE FIRST MEETING B. The date - a weekday evening or Saturday/Sunday afternoon, should be selected far enough in advance to allow enough time to publicize it.

25 MEETING AGENDA an explanation of the purpose of having an ostomy group ( stoma club) an indication of interest in having such a group an indication of the expectations of those present formation of a leadership committee scheduling the next meeting; this will be in response to the general preference of a meeting time and place light refreshments provide an informal atmosphere after the meeting; this is an appropriate time for people to share personal experiences.

26 FINANCE Some ostomy groups need to charge a
fee to in order to cover costs and become a member of an ostomy association. Appreciate that in some areas ostomates cannot afford dues to become a group member. I don’t know that I would bring up having to pay membership dues at the first meeting. Maybe in major cities but not outside.

27 FINANCE Other sources of income and support to explore include:
Cancer societies State authorities Manufacturers Commercial enterprises Media companies Humanitarian Aid Charities

28 Plan for 6-12 Months. Some things you may do
identify ostomates construct a letter to send to ostomates or give to patients after or before surgery plan -meetings - seminar - newsletter -social gatherings expand awareness among ostomates and medical and healthcare professionals that will identify the needs of the group

29 Plan for 6-12 Months. Some things you may do
A stoma survey (a copy is available as a guide) Ostomates Issues meeting train ostomates for a visitor programme build numbers of ostomate (stoma) clubs prepare press pack and stories for the media participate in World Ostomy Day

30 Barry Maughan ASPOA Conference Seoul

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