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ITALY Roberto Pizzicannella Maria Giulia Cosentino

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1 ITALY Roberto Pizzicannella Maria Giulia Cosentino
Unit for Innovation in Regions and Local Authorities CNIPA Maria Giulia Cosentino Magistrate, Advisor Dept.of Public Administration

2 Approach of Administrative Burdens of Citizens in ITALY
No specific programme for measurement of Administrative Burden for Citizens (main approach: customer satisfaction) Some simplification initiatives at Regional and Local level as a part of e-government initiatives Reduction of administrative burden = Simplification Policy of reduction: 2007 Action Plan Please indicate in a 5 or 6 points in what way your country pays attention to the reduction of administrative burdens for citizens? Is there a policy? What are the objectives? 2

3 Approach of Administrative Burdens of Citizens in ITALY
The 2007 action plan initiatives simplification of identifying office procedures; one-stop shops for immigration procedures; reingeneering of the procedure for obtaining citizenship; simplification of burdens about the protection of public health; parajudicial procedures for compensation of surgery damages; simplification of the public control on cars trading The policy leading role of the Unit for Simplification (also as a – relatively- independent committee) single measures: leading role of single Departments involved 3

4 Approach of Administrative Burdens of Enterprises in Italy
Source: 2007 Action Plan; political commitment about the EU Action Programme for a 25% reduction of administrative burdens in Europe by 2012 Methodology: EU SCM Scope: information obligations; SMEs Priority Areas 2007: regulation about environment, privacy, employment relations, social security, fire prevention, landscape protection and historical sites First results: proposals for reduction of administrative burdens about privacy regulation 4

5 Approach of Administrative Burdens of Citizens in ITALY
Local level initiative (example: municipality of Ravenna) Internal group: NUS (nucleo per la semplificazione – unit for simplification) Knowledge base of procedures (FO & BO) Proposal for simplification Basically a business process reengineering approach 5

6 Expectations of learning group:
Understand and (possibly) learn about approaches in other MS Learn about different methodologies Methodologies to measure Methodologies to implement Methodologies to evaluate Gather more information also about national state of art Use this opportunity to enforce and systematize the national activities about Reduction of administrative burden for citizens 6

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