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Phillip Meador Urban Design 5502 MaryAlice Torres-MacDonald

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Presentation on theme: "Phillip Meador Urban Design 5502 MaryAlice Torres-MacDonald"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phillip Meador Urban Design 5502 MaryAlice Torres-MacDonald
Leveling Houston Phillip Meador Urban Design 5502 MaryAlice Torres-MacDonald

2 Contents Research A Pattern Language Concept Design

3 Research

4 Case Study: Amsterdam

5 Case Study Amsterdam Controls water through (but not limited to)
Canals Polders Sluice Gates Dykes



8 A Pattern Language Lessons Taken from Studying Christopher Alexander

9 Agricultural Valleys From A Pattern Language

10 From A Pattern Language

11 City Country Fingers From A Pattern Language

12 Mosaic of Subcultures From A Pattern Language

13 Subculture Boundaries
From A Pattern Language

14 Concept

15 Layering Houston Build the City up above the main water level through a series of layers that can allow water to be moved out, but slows it on site to prevent overloading the system.

16 Domed City?

17 Hill Community

18 Taken in Hiroshima Japan
Picture by Phillip Meador

19 Terraced Building Increase and show one entire building

20 Terraced Building Develop if time permits

21 (Place a Section here of how water moves from building to site and how the site contains it)

22 Street Section

23 Water Movement

24 Design


26 Site 1

27 Site 1: Medical Center Area

28 The Site

29 Zooming In

30 Site 1 Theoretical Design

31 Understanding Site 1

32 Site Character (insert a few pictures showing some of the buildings in the area)

33 Current Usage

34 Points of Interest

35 5 Minute Walking Distances

36 Current Terrain (need to find a current map of the terrain of the site)

37 Design to Site

38 Site 2

39 Site 2: SW 610

40 The Site

41 Zooming In

42 Site 2 Theoretical Design

43 Understanding the Site

44 Site Character (Insert a few pictures showing the main character of the site)

45 Current Usage (Map showing the current usage)

46 Points of Interest (Map showing points of Interest)

47 5 Minute Walking Distances

48 Current Terrain (need to find a current map of the terrain of the site)

49 Design to Site (Create a morphed design that relates to the various conditions)

50 Site 3

51 Site 3: NW of Downtown

52 The Site

53 Zooming In

54 The Design

55 Understanding the Site

56 Site Character (Insert a few pictures showing the main character of the site)

57 Current Usage (Map showing the current usage)

58 Points of Interest (Map showing points of Interest)

59 5 Minute Walking Distances

60 Current Terrain (need to find a current map of the terrain of the site)

61 Design to Site (Create a morphed design that relates to the various conditions)

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