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UNECE Technical Cooperation Activities

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1 UNECE Technical Cooperation Activities
Steven Vale UNECE

2 UNECE technical cooperation activities:
UNECE Principles UNECE technical cooperation activities: Are output oriented Are demand-driven Respond to UN priorities (SDGs, Modernisation) Support all UNECE member countries, with a focus on the less developed statistical systems Build on established partnerships with UN agencies, international organisations and bilateral partners

3 Benefits of a Coordinated Approach
Improving synergies and interactions among projects and programmes Effective mobilisation of human and financial resources from international and bilateral donors Efficient use of human and financial resources from beneficiary countries (absorption capacity) Improving sustainability and visibility Better value for money all round

4 Good Practices and Tools
Adapted Global Assessments - conducted jointly by Eurostat, EFTA and UNECE Formal and informal meetings and events High-level seminars Ad-hoc workshops SPECA Thematic Working Group on Statistics MGSC / PGSC also contribute to the coordination of capacity building activities

5 Coordinated Follow-up Strategy
AGA (recommendations) Master Plan – NSDS – Strategy Light review/assessment Work programme (annual) Self-assessment survey (annual) Fund raising / Technical cooperation Donor questionnaire (annual) Feedback

6 New ideas and approaches
Looking forwards New ideas and approaches

7 Activities, processes and capabilities
An activity is something we do A process is how we do it Capabilities are what allow us to do it

8 Capabilities – A tool to identify needs?
Capabilities require a combination of people, processes, methods, systems and standards

9 Capability Framework Business Capabilities Model developed by ESS Enterprise Architecture Task Force “summarizes the key capabilities required for producing official statistics. It provides a framework to view which capabilities are already sufficiently present … versus those on which development effort is needed”

10 Maturity by Capability

11 Generic Activity Model for Statistical Organisations (GAMSO)
Working with PARIS21 to use GAMSO to match demand and supply for technical assistance

12 Thank-you for your attention
For more information, please contact: Regional Adviser, Statistical Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

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