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Properties of Matter Prof. Bixler.

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1 Properties of Matter Prof. Bixler

2 4.1 Properties of Substances
Properties are characteristics of a substance that give it a unique identity Physical Properties are the inherit characteristics of a substance that can be determined without altering its composition like physical state, density, melting and boiling points, color, taste and odor

3 Name the Physical Properties

4 Chemical Properties Chemical Properties = describe the ability of a substance to form new substances either by reaction with other substances or by decomposition Reactivity or lack thereof of a substance with another is a chemical property No two substances have exactly the same physical and chemical properties

5 Change Physical Change: effect changes of physical properties only
Ex. Cutting, bending, melting, boiling, separating, density measurement Chemical Change: occurs when new substances are formed that have different properties and composition than the original substance Ex. Burning, reacting, baking, exploding

6 Chemical or Physical Change?

7 Chemical Reactions (RXN)
Chemical change is expressed in the form of chemical equations Chemical change = chemical reaction (rxn) Reactants= what you begin with (left of the arrow in a chemical equation) Products = what you end with (right of the chemical equation)

8 Laws of Conservation of Matter and Energy
Law of Conservation of Matter states that no change is observed in the total mass of the substances involved in a a chemical change OR the mass of reactants = mass of products Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed though it can be can be changed to another form

9 Energy Energy is the capacity to do work There are two major forms
Potential energy: stored energy or energy something possesses due to its position Kinetic energy: energy in motion Heat: is measured in Joules in the metric system, but calorie is the unit you are most familiar with 1 calorie = 4.18 Joules 1,000 calorie = 1 nutritional Calorie = 1 kcal

10 Energy in Reactions Heat given off is called exothermic and could be written in a chemical equation as a product Heat may be absorbed in a reaction and would be written as a reactant.

11 Is it endothermic or exothermic?

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