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“The global situation, prevention and control strategies”

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1 “The global situation, prevention and control strategies”
Dr Bernard Vallat Director General World Organisation for Animal Health, OIE Avian Influenza Epizootie: “The global situation, prevention and control strategies” Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Paris Anti-Influenza Institut Pasteur May 31 – June 1, Paris, France

2 Avian Influenza: sequence of events
: confined to South East Asia 2005: spread to Central Asia, Russia, Eastern Europe Beginning 2006: first infection African Continent (Nigeria) and Middle East 2006: Spread into western Europe (mainly wild birds) 2007: Endemic countries and re-occurrences

3 HPAI JAN-JUN 2006: ongoing and resolved (including non H5N1)

4 HPAI JUN-DEC 2006: ongoing and resolved (including non H5N1)

5 Avian influenza: sequence of events in 2006
In total 47 countries reported infections : Asia (15), Africa (8), Europe (24) Most countries succeeded in eradicating the disease Some countries disease became endemic: Indonesia, Nigeria, Egypt, and possibly certain zones of China

6 Avian influenza: re-occurrence and new infections from end 2006 until May 2007
Re-occurrence in Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Hungary, Turkey, Pakistan, Laos, Russia New occurrences in UK, Bangladesh, Ghana Risk of development of new endemic countries

7 HPAI JAN - MAY 2007

8 HPAI outbreaks

9 What is new about the current global situation
Behavior of the current H5N1 “Asian strain” Rapid spread through 3 continents Role of migratory waterfowl Role of commercial exchanges Difficult to control in countries unable to rapidly detect and control H5N1 Economic and social consequences of the current crisis

10 Some Important Lessons learned
Early detection and rapid response has prevented establishment of disease in the majority of the infected countries Delayed detection and inadequate response has led to endemic disease (Indonesia, Nigeria, Egypt) The competition in resources for animal disease control and pandemic preparedness complicates the implementation of efficient control strategies

11 Some Important Lessons learned (cont)
It is possible to implement integrated control programs worldwide Massive culling is an expensive control measure Implementing compensation mechanisms is a challenge in developing countries Vaccination can limit spread but used alone it will not eliminate H5N1 Countries with endemic disease all have localised or widespread high poultry densities and an inefficient national chain of command

12 Current Trends Mortality of wild birds is strongly decreasing
Less outbreaks in domestic poultry in infected countries Species other than poultry do not play a role in the epidemiology of the disease Authoritarian policies to change poultry production systems are often inefficient and dangerous

13 Pandemic Potential No human cases without animal outbreaks present
All countries worldwide should be able to detect early and control the virus quickly at its animal source Improvements in Veterinary Services to address this concern are also relevant for responding to future emerging and re-emerging diseases linked with globalization and climatic changes

14 Short term actions (animal field)
Prevent further spread of disease amongst poultry Direct technical assistance to newly and endemic infected countries Sanitary measures and vaccination when appropriate Compensation mechanisms Increase communication and awareness Support preparation of integrated contingency plans Emergency audit of Vet Services

15 Short and Medium Term Actions
Improvements of the Veterinary Services in developing countries in association with public and private partners Evaluation and definition of actions with the evaluation tool “Performance, Vision and Strategy for Vet Services” Gap analysis Preparation of projects, including compensation mechanism and animal vaccines strategic stocks Implementation Identify key gaps in knowledge by research initiatives

16 Longer term actions - Permanent follow-up of the Veterinary Services in developing countries in association with public and private partners - Capacity building in the livestock sectors Research programs

17 Needs Presented Needs Presented in the OIE/FAO program on
Good Governance

18 Good Governance: Veterinary Services
Crucial need for appropriate legislation and strict implementation through appropriate national animal health systems allowing: Early detection Transparency, Notification and Rapid Response to animal disease outbreaks Building and maintaining efficient (epidemio) surveillance networks and territorial meshing covering the entire national territory, potentially for all animal diseases, including zoonoses and emerging diseases, is a responsibility of all Governments If one country fails, it may endanger the entire planet Veterinary Services are an International Public Good

19 Performance, Vision and Strategy: of Veterinary Services
The OIE - PVS Tool Performance, Vision and Strategy: a tool for Good Governance of Veterinary Services

20 The PVS background OIE international standards in quality of animal health systems: Chapter 1.3.3: Evaluation of Veterinary Services Chapter 1.3.4: Guidelines for the Evaluation of Veterinary Services Development of the PVS tool with support of IICA and the WTO/STDF mechanism Development of the OIE World Animal Health and Welfare Fund

21 PVS Procedure Draft PVS Country Report OIE Peer Review
Final PVS Country Report Acceptance by the Country Gap analysis Investment preparation

22 Mechanisms International harmonisation
National and International political commitment essential Coordination of Donors Collaboration between implementing partners including international community and mainly national partners

23 World organisation for animal health
12 rue de Prony 75017 Paris, France Tel: 33 (0) Fax: 33 (0)

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