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Tutor training webinar @EnglishMyWayUK #EnglishMyWay

2 Key Aims Some of the features of English My Way
Familiar with English My Way website Familiar with resources and lesson plans Familiar with sources of support / training

3 Introduction English My Way supports adults with no or low levels of English to better integrate with their local communities. The focus is on isolated groups of women.

4 Introduction Funded by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) The programme was built with consortium partners British Council (Year 1+2) developed the syllabus BBC Learning English

5 Good Things Foundation

6 Good Things Foundation
A social change charity, helping people improve their lives through digital. ‘A world where everyone benefits from digital.’ Financial literacy, health & wellbeing, employability, civic participation, community integration and loads more!

7 Online Centres Network
A social movement of over 5,000 grassroots community organisations Tackling digital and social exclusion by providing people with the skills and confidence they need to access digital technology A big club with a shared vision!

8 About you? In the chat box write… Your current role?
Briefly describe your centre If you have used English My Way before? How much?

9 The programme 24 week blended learning programme
Content to support 96 hours of learning tutor led classroom based sessions volunteer led group activity online learning

10 The programme 145 centres funded to deliver the programme in 2018/19

11 How to use the English My Way website

12 The website The site is designed for tutors to support delivery of the programme: register and manage learners/classes complete Learner Questionnaires access content and resources to support delivery generate management information Learners will use the site to access the online learning element of the programme

13 Administration and Monitoring

14 Eligible learners Learner data fields Contract requirements Gender
A minimum of 90% of learners must be women Age 100% of learners must be 19 years of age or older Time in the UK 100% of learners must have been living in the UK for over 12 months Employment status 100% of learners must be unemployed/underemployed English language 100% of learners must have English language skills below Entry Level 1 TAKE TIME ON THIS

15 What is a registration? A full registration is when a learner has covered: All learner details input through Management System on English My Way. 1 to 18 completed on Learner Questionnaire

16 What is a completion? A full completion is when a learner has covered
100% of all topics in Getting Started 100% of at least 9 Topics All topics in Next Steps (including at least 8 short assessments) a completed learner questionnaire All registered learners must have a learner questionnaire to ensure that eligibility is met. Questions 1-18 must be completed at registration, and the remainder upon completion of the course.

17 English My Way support Supportive centre visits
Types of free support available: Get feedback about your sessions Detailed action plan and follow up support Create tailored training to meet your needs Enable peer observations and local networking Learn skills to transfer to any teaching context

18 English My Way support Online Professional Development
Explore themes more deeply Interactive tasks Factsheets Videos Go to website and show Assessment videos and online learning activity Also YouTube Assessment video

19 English My Way support ESOL Nexus CPD modules and articles
British Council seminars online Teaching English MOOC: Professional Practices for English Language Teaching UK online ESOL Specialist Network Show if time. If not give links

20 English My Way support National Association for Teaching English and Community Languages (NATECLA) ESOL Research Forum Jo Gakonga’s teacher training videos Excellence Gateway Show if time. If not give links

21 EMW website Getting started | 12 topics | Next steps
All About Me and Daily Life - must do | in that order Session plans with links to resources: paper-based, audio/video and online activities (for learners) Usually 6 sessions per topic – final session sums up learning/ personalises topic.

22 EMW lesson plans Lesson plan features Aims and objectives
Careful staging to achieve objectives Mix of skills Games and active learning Differentiation and learning checks Show heading then go to website. Ask questions for Chat box. When finished reveal bullet points

23 EMW delivery Write reasons why the points below are important for our learners in the chat box Literacy important, but speaking / listening first. Situations learners need now / near future. Participatory approaches; active learning; learner centred Avoid too much teacher talk in class. CELTA/ Cert TESOL gives a) specialist language input b) observed teaching practice.

24 EMW delivery Learner centred - learners speak more in lesson: 80% to 20%; teacher is facilitator Active learning - variety of activities e.g. games; movement around the class; body as well as brain Participatory learning - learners communicating about real things from their lives; maps e.g. of local area; calendars of relevant events; rivers – story of their life; Reflect for ESOL

25 EMW delivery Look at EMW topics – knowing your learners, which would you use first? Out and about Employability (x 2) Me and my child’s school Healthcare Shopping Accessing local services Things I want to do Technology in our lives Where I live

26 @EnglishMyWayUK #EnglishMyWay
Keep in touch @EnglishMyWayUK #EnglishMyWay Julie Day: English My Way Consultant

27 Keep in touch Vanessa Kirby-Firth: Network Specialist (Grants)
or @vkirbyUK Nadeem Shan: Network Specialist (Grants) or Holly Bagnall-Bell: Grants Manager or @hollyisonline

28 Hub Centres ACDA Skills Training Saunders House 52-53 The Mall Ealing
W5 3TA Vick Virdee Go Women! Alliance c/o Adderley Children's Centre, St. Saviours Road Birmingham B8 1HN Yasmin Akhtar m Safety First 11 Edward Street Off Wakefield Road Bradford BD4 7BH Glenda Graham, Chris Graham and Don Davidson .

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