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ACEs Work Group Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "ACEs Work Group Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACEs Work Group Meeting
Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health June 27, 2018

2 Welcome and Introductions
Introduce yourself: Name, organization, and county Why are you interested in participating in this workgroup?

3 Review Proposed Agenda Items
Introductions CPAA Updates Presentations Julia Velonjara, DOH, Office of Immunization and Child Profile Jennifer Gould, TOGETHER!, Immunization Clinics in Thurston County Next steps and closing

4 CPAA Updates: RFP Request for Proposals (RFP) closes July 16th, 2018
CPAA is hosting a virtual town hall meeting on July 9th from 2-3 pm to answer any RFP related questions. Check CPAA website for call information Any additional RFP questions should be directed to

5 CPAA Updates: RFP Timeline
RFP Release 5/30 Letter of Intent Due 6/14 Follow-Up Webinar 7/9 RFP Responses Due 7/16 Network Partners Selected Mid-August Just a quick overview of our RFP timeline. I’ll be going into more detail about the specifics in a moment. Obviously, we released the RFP last week. The brief Letter of Intent is due Thursday, June 14. That’s next week. There will be a follow-up webinar, formatted much like this one, closer to the RFP due date, on July 9. As you dig into responding to the RFP, you might encounter more specific questions, and we want to ensure everyone feels fairly supported in this endeavor. The RFP is due by COB on Monday, July 16, and we anticipate selecting implementation partners by mid-August.

6 Presentations: Immunizations
Julia Velonjara, DOH: Immunization Promotion Strategies for Maternal and Child Health Jennifer Gould, TOGETHER!: Immunization Clinics in Thurston County Just a quick overview of our RFP timeline. I’ll be going into more detail about the specifics in a moment. Obviously, we released the RFP last week. The brief Letter of Intent is due Thursday, June 14. That’s next week. There will be a follow-up webinar, formatted much like this one, closer to the RFP due date, on July 9. As you dig into responding to the RFP, you might encounter more specific questions, and we want to ensure everyone feels fairly supported in this endeavor. The RFP is due by COB on Monday, July 16, and we anticipate selecting implementation partners by mid-August.

7 Resources in the community
Immunization Clinic In partnership with Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Medical Reserve Corps, TOGETHER! And Tumwater School District host annual immunization clinics to ensure kids are up to date with life saving vaccinations and are ready for school. Ensuring students and families take preventive measure to protect their health and well-being is an important step to ensure children are ready for school and ready to learn. MRC volunteers administer the vaccines The PH dept (which organizes MRC) gets the vaccines through an emergency medicine grant through Group Health (not through the vaccines for children program) They check child profile to see if the kids that show up to the clinic actually need them. Often times school records do not reflect the information in child profile, and kids don’t actually need them. It’s a mix of kids who show up who need immunizations vs those that do not Anecdotal information from families is that it is so hard to get into a well child visit to get immunizations, that they would rather come and wait 3 hours at the immunizations clinics to get them then wait month long wait times at the clinic Clinics Staffed by mrc Mrc uses it as a training activity Need access to internet to get child profile records Together plays the role of convener, they handle logistics, and coordinate the partnerships between school nurse and provider, all mrc volunteers need to do is show up There is a clinical access issue as well as a community access issue What would they need to do this in other area Funding Providers who can do it Someone who can handle logistics/partner development

8 Discussion: Child Immunizations
Why are immunizations rates so low? Why is there a disparity between regions? What are remaining gaps in knowledge, policy, or data? How can this group help improve immunization rates in the region?

9 Discussion What other topics would you be interested in learning about during future ACES workgroups?

10 Next Steps and Closing Next Meeting August 1st, 2018 from 3:15-4:45pm
Fairfield Inn and Suites th Way Southwest, Rochester, WA 98579 Submit any requested work group topics or collaboration meetings to

11 Thank You!

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