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Market Advisory Council

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1 Market Advisory Council
Working Group 1 EU Production 23rd May 2018

2 Agenda 11:35 Adoption of the agenda and minutes of last meeting ( ) 11:40 Action points last meeting 12:00 EMFF Update on the approval of the MAC advice Follow up on Commission’s proposal 12:30 Presentation on handling of discard-fish By EUfishmeal 13:00 LUNCH BREAK

3 Agenda Contd. 13:45 Commission’s proposed review of the 1996 marketing standards MAC perspective: organisation of work and way forward 14:15 Production and Marketing Plans Recommendations and guidelines prepared by MAC 15:00 Competitiveness of the fleet Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) 15:30 AOB 15:45 Summary of actions & decisions taken 16:00 End of the meeting

4 Action Points last meeting
EMFF post 2020 -Focus Group on the 13 February in Brussels. -Members be invited to participate, ideally respecting 2 catching sector, 2 processors, 2 NGOs. -Take into account the letter from DG MARE with the three questions -Write to DG Mare deadline for a response to questionnaire of the 5th February from the MAC is not possible.

5 Action Points last meeting
PMPs -Set up Focus Group: Sean, Emiel, Pierre Carnet, Puri, Spain, representative of the aquaculture sector, COM and Secretariat. -Ask Pierre to formulate a more structured document. -Mid-February/March the draft will be sent to members of WG1. -Finalisation of document before May meeting -Seek clarification from DG Mare on the funding of PMPs in and 2022 -Inclusion of mention of Competitiveness in guidelines -Inclusion of the relevant issue raised in the Life report re small scale fisheries and PMPs

6 Action Points last meeting
Marketing Standards -Examples of what other sectors do as a basis for discussion in May. -Start evaluation and review at the May meeting Competitiveness of the Fleet -Request yearly presentation from STECF -Follow up on the invitation from M. Keatinge to participate in the STECF meeting

7 EMFF -Focus Group met 13 February -Short deadline given by MARE
-MAC advice requests, among others: Simplification Avoid delays in funding Modern financial instruments Preservation of marketing measures Research and innovation More cooperation between MS -Follow up on the Commission’s proposal- to be released end of May

8 Presentation on handling of discard-fish
By EuFishMeal

9 Commission’s proposed review of the 1996 marketing standards
-Presentation by Pim Visser -MAC perspective: organisation of work and way forward

10 Production and Marketing Plans
-September 2017: event PMPs -MAC to prepare Guidelines on drafting & implementation through a Focus Group -Guidelines refer to: Simplification Link between measures and objectives Harmonization in drafting PMPs Bottom-up approach Online tools Follow Commission recommendations Shared experience Financial support

11 Competitiveness of the fleet
Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF)

12 AOB

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