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Lesson 3: Aristotle: A weak dualist view?

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1 Lesson 3: Aristotle: A weak dualist view?
From your AS knowledge, Explain to the person next to you, what might Aristotle believe about the soul?

2 Lets do some potato printing!


4 Aristotle gave the example of a wax tablet with a stamp impressed on it
The shape made by the wax is inseparable from the wax …just as the soul is inseparable from the person

5 Physical body in a continual state of change Soul (substance) remains the same

6 If an axe had a soul then that soul would involve chopping because that is the function of the axe.

7 Considered the soul to include the matter and structure of the body with its functions and capabilities Unlike Plato soul could be explained in purely natural terms rather than making reference to any supernatural realm

8 De Anima (On the Soul) began with ‘the soul is in some sense the principle of animal life’
Various kinds of soul Plants – vegetative or ‘nutritive’ soul – capability to get nourishment for themselves and ensure the reproduction of their species but no ability to reason or make plans

9 Plants Animals Humans Vegetative or ‘nutritive’ soul – Capability to get nourishment for themselves and ensure the reproduction of their species but no ability to reason or make plans Perceptive souls Senses to experience the world around them and they react to different stimuli Enough intelligence to distinguish between pleasure and pain Higher degree soul The ability to reason and tell right from wrong

10 Unlikely

11 Does Aristotle believe in the immortality of the soul?
‘It is not likely that Aristotle believed people could live after death in any personal sense’. Ahluwalia ‘To attain any assured knowledge of the soul is one of the most difficult things in the world’ (Aristotle De Anima Book 1)

12 OR Plato Aristotle

13 Make some key ideas cards for another team to sort into Plato or Aristotle: eg
The soul exists The soul has three parts Life after death is unlikely Souls are part of our physicality The soul doesn’t have a supernatural cause The soul and body cannot be separated Souls exist before we are born Reason is part of the soul Souls are immortal Dualist approach

14 Beginning to practice essay technique…
Which is most convincing? Plato or Aristotle’s view towards the soul? Discuss strengths and weaknesses.

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