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Community Development

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1 Community Development
Materials to have in front of them: Infographic ACEs summary Annual report October, 2018

2 "a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems"

3 Purpose Networking Coordination Collective Action
situation in which multiple individuals all benefit from a certain action, but has an associated cost making it implausible that any individual can or will undertake and solve it alone process that fosters the exchange of information and ideas among individuals or groups that share a common interest synchronization of the efforts of group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals They all serve a purpose-- Networking – Coming together to share data – so sharing what we are doing, community events we are holding, “we are holding a resource fair on, February 2nd” Coordination-Planning a party each do their own part for one larger goal not having different parties on the same date.  provide accessible, prompt, confidential and appropriate services to families according to a basic set of guiding principles - your own organization and goals, “we would like to hold a resource fair in the spring, when are your dates so we aren’t at the same time. What does that look like so we are offering distinct services” Collective Action-The term collective action problem describes the situation in which multiple individuals would all benefit from a certain action, but has an associated cost making it implausible that any individual can or will undertake and solve it alone. The ideal solution is then to undertake this as a collective action, the cost of which is shared.  “The community needs a resource fair, who will find a location, who will reach out to organizations, who will promote it” All communities look different and have different needs. If we move from coordination to collective action I may give up some control but “more hands make lighter work”, more funding (10 minutes for conversation) QUESTION - How does your current group function and how would you like it to function? If these are different how would this change for your organization (2 minutes) couple of people share out De-Brief- Lead into KSA and how this designation will impact

4 People come to the table based on who they are/or represent
Are their peers at the table CEO's want to see CEO's at the table, chief of police  Think about the direct service worker sitting at a table with all CEO’s and the opposite How would this make you feel? Who is at the Table?

5 Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Knowledge- Focuses on the understanding of concepts that is theoretical not practical Skill – Capabilities or proficiencies developed through training or hands on experience Abilities- Innate traits or talents someone brings to a task or situation We know our purpose and our identified members how do we make informed choices about who is the best candidate to serve. Knowledge- One may have read hundreds of articles on nutrition but not make them qualified as a nutritionist Skills – the practical application of theoretical knowledge so someone can take a course in investing and have knowledge but get experience in actually trading to get skills Ability – Many people can learn to negotiate competently by acquiring knowledge and practicing skills, a few people are brilliant negotiators because of the innate ability to persuade. 10 minutes on own to write KSA’s 10 Minutes to share as a groups KSA’s

6 Knowledge of a decision - assignment
Levels of Engagement Where I Want to Fit? Shape the agenda Knowledge of a decision - assignment “how do we best use the people who are at the table” What's the best way to structure in our community - organizational structure vs checkboxes Governing board - influencer/relationships Sub committees – doers When asking to be a part who asks?  peers or supervisors Leadership - Serves as a decision-maker or thought leader and/or engages and/or lead others in the work Commitment -Fully invested in the mission & success of the organization, a program, or campaign Participation -Contributes time & financial or social capital to the organization, a program, or campaign Interest -Understands the cause and is interested in learning more and possibly participating or increasing commitment Awareness - Awareness Tell me what to do

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