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Task Group AY January 2017 Agenda

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Presentation on theme: "Task Group AY January 2017 Agenda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Group AY January 2017 Agenda
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Task Group AY January 2017 Agenda Date: Author: Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

2 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 IEEE Task Group AY Enhanced Throughout for Operation in License-Exempt Bands Above 45 GHz Atlanta, Georgia, United States January , 2017 Chair: Edward Au (Huawei) Vice Chair: Sang Kim (LG Electronics) Secretary: Jeorge Hurtarte (Teradyne) Editor: Carlos Cordeiro (Intel) Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

3 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Abstract This presentation contains the IEEE Task Group AY agenda for the January 2017 session. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

4 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent Policy. Participants: “Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each “holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware” if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents “Personal awareness” means that the participant “is personally aware that the holder May have a potential Essential Patent Claim,” even if the participant is not personally aware of the specific patents or patent claims “Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any other holders of such potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else that the participant is from or otherwise represents) The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6.2 Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly encouraged No duty to perform a patent search Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

5 Patent related links Patent Policy is stated in these sources:
January 2017 Patent related links All participants should be familiar with their obligations under the IEEE- SA Policies & Procedures for standards development. Patent Policy is stated in these sources: IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Material about the patent policy is available at Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)

6 Call for potentially essential patents
January 2017 Call for potentially essential patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)

7 Guideline for IEEE-SA meetings
January 2017 Guideline for IEEE-SA meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. This slide set is available at Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)

8 Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings
November 2016 doc.: ec EC January 2017 Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings All participation in IEEE 802 Working Group meetings is on an individual basis Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. ( section 5.2.1) IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. ( section 4.2.1) You have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. Your obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. You shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see section and section 3.4.1, list item x By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate. NEW Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Dorothy Stanley, HP Enterprise

9 Required notices Patent FAQ Disclosure of Affiliation
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Required notices Patent FAQ Disclosure of Affiliation Anti-Trust Guidelines Code of Ethics IEEE Working Group Operations Manual manual.docx Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

10 Logistics (1) Attendance recording procedures Documentation
May 2010 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 doc.: IEEE /0503r4 January 2017 Logistics (1) Attendance recording procedures Must register before logging attendance Must log attendance during each 2-hour session Documentation Use “TGay” for submission If you plan to make a submission be sure it does not contain company logos or advertising Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Page 10 Michael Montemurro, Research in Motion Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

11 Logistics (2) Email reflector
May 2010 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 doc.: IEEE /0503r4 January 2017 Logistics (2) reflector If you are Aspirant, Potential Voter, Voter or ExOfficio that do not receive any from the above address so far, you can request to subscribe at: Read-only reflector for other participants: Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Page 11 Michael Montemurro, Research in Motion Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

12 Logistics (3) January 2017 Position(s) Officer(s) Chair Edward Au
November 2011 doc.: IEEE /0xxxr0 January 2017 Logistics (3) Position(s) Officer(s) Chair Edward Au Vice Chair Sang Kim Secretary Jeorge Hurtarte Editor Carlos Cordeiro Lead of Usage Model document Rob Sun Lead of Channel Model document Alexander Maltsev Lead of Functional Requirements document Lead of Evaluation Methodology document Laurent Cariou Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Osama Aboul-Magd (Samsung)

13 Task Group AY schedule in a glance
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Task Group AY schedule in a glance MON TUE WED THU FRI AM1 AY Grand Ballroom II, Lower Lobby Azalea, Lobby AM2 PM1 PM2 PM3 Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

14 Agenda items for the week
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Agenda items for the week Approve prior meeting minutes Progress and timeline review Draft 0.1 review Advance on Specification Framework Document Draft development Goal for March 2017 plenary Teleconference call schedule Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

15 Meeting Slot #1 Monday, 10:30am – 12:30pm January 2017 May 2015
doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Meeting Slot #1 Monday, 10:30am – 12:30pm Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

16 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics
January 2017 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Summary from November 2016 plenary and January-4th teleconference call Call for submission Agenda setting Timeline Draft 0.1 review Presentation Recess Edward Au (Huawei Technologies)

17 Summary from November 2016 plenary
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Summary from November 2016 plenary 27 submissions were covered during the meeting and the call covering areas related to: Channel model Specification framework document Significant progress was made in the development of specification framework document Revised timeline was updated Delay D0.1 and D1.0 by 2 months Keep D2.0 and amendment completion the same Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

18 Summary from January 4 teleconference
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Summary from January 4 teleconference 1 submission was covered 16/1571r0: Fast BSS discovery (Gaius Wee) Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

19 2016/11 plenary and 2017/01/04 call minutes
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #142: 2016/11 plenary and 2017/01/04 call minutes Approve Task Group AY minutes of meetings from November 2016 plenary and the teleconference call on January 4, 2017: Move: Assaf Kasher Second: George Calcev Result: Approved with unanimous consent Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

20 Task Group Documents January 2017 Doc. No.
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Task Group Documents Doc. No. Title of the Task Group documents Status 15/0625r3 IEEE TGay use cases Approved in November 2015 plenary as the baseline document 15/1150r7 Channel models for IEEE ay Approved in September 2016 interim 15/1074r0 TGay functional requirements Approved in May 2016 interim 15/0866r4 TGay evaluation methodology Approved in July 2016 plenary 15/1079r2 TGay selection procedure 15/1358r9 Specification framework for TGay Updated after November 2016 plenary 16/0266r5 A compendium of motions related to the contents of the specification framework document for TGay Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

21 Amendment text submission (1)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Amendment text submission (1) Doc. No. Corresponding Author Title 16/1608r0 Sungjin Park 2.3.4 EDMG Extended Schedule element 16/1609r3 Kyungtae Jo 4.2.Spatial sharing and interference mitigation 16/1610r0 Lei Huang 3.3-SU MIMO Beamforming 16/1611r0 3.3 & 3.4_Frames related to SU & MU-MIMO beamforming 16/1612r0 Hiroyuki Motozuka 3.5 PPDU duration constraint 16/1613r1 2.3.3 Measurement Request element 16/1615r0 Artyom Lomayev pre-EDMG Modulated Fields Transmissions Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

22 Amendment text submission (2)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Amendment text submission (2) Doc. No. Corresponding Author Title 16/1616r2 Ou Yang 3.9 RD protocol 16/1617r0 Artyom Lomayev Encoding 16/1618r2 3.9.1 RD protocol for EDMG DL MU-MIMO 16/1619r1 EDMG-Header-A encoding and modulation 16/1620r2 3.1.4 MIMO channel access 16/1621r0 Yutaka Murakami 6.6.1 Phase hopping 16/1622r0 Takenori Sakamoto  3.6 DMG A-PDU operation Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

23 Amendment text submission (3)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Amendment text submission (3) Doc. No. Corresponding Author Title 16/1623r0 Takenori Sakamoto  EDMG A-PPDU format 16/1624r1 Solomon Trainin Text to cover SFD 3.8 Multirate support v1 16/1625r1 Text to cover SFD 3.7 Block Acknowledgement v1 16/1626r0 Christopher Hansen Draft text for EDMG Capabilities 16/1627r0 Draft text for TX Masks 16/1628r0 James Wang Clause_3_2_5_Scalable Beamforming Training 16/1629r0 Clause_3_4_MU-mimo-for-tgay Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

24 Amendment text submission (4)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Amendment text submission (4) Doc. No. Corresponding Author Title 16/1630r0 Claudio da Silva 6 4 EDMG control mode 16/1631r0 6 9 2 Beam refinement 16/1632r1 Sang Kim 2.3.2 EDMG Operation Element 16/1633r0 3.2.3 A-BFT 16/1634r0 Oren Kedem 2.2.1 Block Ack r1 16/1635r0 3.1.2 Channel Access over Multiple Channels 16/1638r0 Yan Xin 3.2.1 A-BFT Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

25 Amendment text submission (5)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Amendment text submission (5) Doc. No. Corresponding Author Title 16/1640r1 Vivian Liu EDMG Channel Measurement Feedback element 16/1642r3 Tao Wu Text to cover SFD Dual carrier modulation (DCM) SQPSK 17/0001r0 Oren Kedem 10 13 A-MPDU Operation r0 17/0011r0 Gaius Wee Text related to Fast BSS Discovery 17/0018r0 Hiroyuki Motozuka 6.9 Short SSW packet 17/0020r0 Assaf Kasher Spec text for SFD 3.2 17/0021r0 Rob Sun Normative text for EDMG FAA Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

26 Call for submission (1) January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Call for submission (1) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time N/A Carlos Cordeiro Draft 0.1 Draft Mon AM2, 30m 16/1565r0 Lei Huang Scheduling allocations over multiple channels SFD Mon AM2, 25m 17/0063r0 Assaf Kasher Cyclic extension of TRN subfield Mon AM2, 20m 17/0105r0 Hiroyuki Motozuka L-Header spoofing for EDMG SC PPDU 17/0061r6 Tao Wu EDMG PHY Header-A for DCM SQPSK Over Two Channel Aggregation in 11ay Mon AM2, 15m Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

27 Call for submission (2) January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Call for submission (2) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 16/1636r0 Artyom Lomayev EDMG TRN Subfields Definition for SC PHY SFD Tue AM1, 15m 17/0007r1 Claudio da Silva Training Field Structure Definition Tue AM1, 40m 17/0051r3 Takenori Sakamoto EDMG A-PPDU for 11ay SC mode Tue AM1, 20m 17/0040r2 Kome Oteri Beam Tracking for ay Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

28 Call for submission (3) January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Call for submission (3) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0119r1 Oren Kedem Channel Width selection within TXOP SFD Wed AM1, 20m 17/0149r2 Claudio da Silva EDMG-CEF Extension for SC MIMO 17/0109r1 SungJin Park 11ay Short SSW Feedback & Ack Wed AM1, 10m 17/0107r0 JinMin Kim Short SSW Frame for A-BFT 17/0108r0 Signaling for 11ay Spatial Sharing 17/0048r0 Rui Yang Performance Evaluation of Multi-DFT-spread OFDM for ay Wed AM1, 25m 17/0067r1 Alexander Maltsev Enhanced SLS BF flow for efficient AP-STA access in dense environment Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

29 Call for submission (4) January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Call for submission (4) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0101r0 Chris Hansen TX Masks SFD Wed PM2, 10m 16/1627r0 Draft text for TX Masks 16/1626r0 Draft text for EDMG Capabilities 17/0040r2 Kome Oteri Beam Tracking for ay (Con’t) Wed PM2, 30m 17/0041r1 BRP Optimization in ay 17/0067r1 Alexander Maltsev Enhanced SLS BF flow for efficient AP-STA access in dense environment (Con’t) Wed PM2, 5m 17/0053r0 Claudio da Silva Spoofing of EDMG Control Mode PPDUs Wed PM2, 20m Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

30 Call for submission (5) January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Call for submission (5) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 15/1150r8 Alexander Maltsev Channel models for IEEE ay Channel Thu PM1, 10m 17/0100r0 Robert Muller Large Indoor Scenario for 11ay Channel Model Thu PM1, 20m 17/0022r2 Rob Sun Short SSW frame with optimized addressing scheme SFD 17/0057r0 Dana Ciochina Signaling and Capabilities for Non-Uniform Constellations Thu PM1, 15m 17/0147r0 Hiroshi Mano FILS for TGay 17/0052r1 Claudio da Silva Header-A Definition for EDMG Control Mode 17/0059r1 Hiroyuki Motozuka EDMG capabilities for Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing in SU-MIMO Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

31 Call for submission (6) January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Call for submission (6) Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0064r1 Dzevdan Kapetanovic UL Training Protocol for DL MU-MIMO in ay SFD Thu PM2, 20m 17/0024r1 Carol Ansley Comparison between Simulated and Measured Results for a Residential Setting Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

32 Agenda setting January 2017 Wednesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Agenda setting Wednesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Thursday, 1:30pm – 3:30pm Thursday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm Motions Goals for March 2017 plenary Teleconference schedule Monday, 10:30am – 12:30pm Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Progress review Motion: Prior meeting minutes Call for submission Agenda setting Timeline Reminder on selection procedure Draft 0.1 review Presentation Tuesday, 8:00am – 10:00am Wednesday, 8:00am – 10:00am Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

33 Timeline Timeline for the task group is updated in November 2016:
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Timeline Timeline for the task group is updated in November 2016: We are here! Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

34 Reminder on selection procedure
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Reminder on selection procedure Editor is responsible for maintaining the document: Contributions that describe different functional blocks with the intention to be included in the TG specification framework document are solicited. Specification framework document shall be created by incorporating different functional blocks that the corresponding motions have been approved by at least 75% TG approval rate. Straw polls will be conducted first to gauge the interest of the TG. Only straw polls that achieve at least 75% approval rate will be converted to motions. Any change in the document requires at least 75% TG approval rate. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

35 List of presentation January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time N/A Carlos Cordeiro Draft 0.1 Draft Mon AM2, 30m 16/1565r0 Lei Huang Scheduling allocations over multiple channels SFD Mon AM2, 25m 17/0063r0 Assaf Kasher Cyclic extension of TRN subfield Mon AM2, 20m 17/0105r0 Hiroyuki Motozuka L-Header spoofing for EDMG SC PPDU 17/0061r6 Tao Wu EDMG PHY Header-A for DCM SQPSK Over Two Channel Aggregation in 11ay THU PM2, 15m Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

36 Meeting Slot #2 Tuesday, 8:00am – 10:00am January 2017 May 2015
doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Meeting Slot #2 Tuesday, 8:00am – 10:00am Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

37 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Recess Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

38 List of presentation January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 16/1636r0 Artyom Lomayev EDMG TRN Subfields Definition for SC PHY SFD Tue AM1, 15m 17/0007r1 Claudio da Silva Training Field Structure Definition Tue AM1, 40m 17/0051r3 Takenori Sakamoto EDMG A-PPDU for 11ay SC mode Tue AM1, 20m 17/0040r2 Kome Oteri Beam Tracking for ay Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

39 Meeting Slot #3 Wednesday, 8:00am – 10:00am January 2017 May 2015
doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Meeting Slot #3 Wednesday, 8:00am – 10:00am Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

40 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Recess Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

41 List of presentation January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0119r1 Oren Kedem Channel Width selection within TXOP SFD Wed AM1, 20m 17/0149r2 Claudio da Silva EDMG-CEF Extension for SC MIMO 17/0109r1 SungJin Park 11ay Short SSW Feedback & Ack Wed AM1, 10m 17/0107r0 JinMin Kim Short SSW Frame for A-BFT 17/0108r0 Signaling for 11ay Spatial Sharing 17/0048r0 Rui Yang Performance Evaluation of Multi-DFT-spread OFDM for ay Wed AM1, 25m 17/0067r1 Alexander Maltsev Enhanced SLS BF flow for efficient AP-STA access in dense environment Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

42 Meeting Slot #4 Wednesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm January 2017 May 2015
doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Meeting Slot #4 Wednesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

43 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Recess Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

44 List of presentation January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0101r0 Chris Hansen TX Masks SFD Wed PM2, 10m 16/1627r0 Draft text for TX Masks 16/1626r0 Draft text for EDMG Capabilities 17/0040r2 Kome Oteri Beam Tracking for ay (Con’t) Wed PM2, 30m 17/0041r1 BRP Optimization in ay 17/0067r1 Alexander Maltsev Enhanced SLS BF flow for efficient AP-STA access in dense environment (Con’t) Wed PM2, 5m 17/0053r0 Claudio da Silva Spoofing of EDMG Control Mode PPDUs Wed PM2, 20m Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

45 Meeting Slot #5 Thursday, 1:30pm – 3:30pm January 2017 May 2015
doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Meeting Slot #5 Thursday, 1:30pm – 3:30pm Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

46 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Recess Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

47 List of presentation January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 15/1150r8 Alexander Maltsev Channel models for IEEE ay Channel Thu PM1, 10m 17/0100r0 Robert Muller Large Indoor Scenario for 11ay Channel Model Thu PM1, 20m 17/0022r2 Rob Sun Short SSW frame with optimized addressing scheme SFD 17/0057r0 Dana Ciochina Signaling and Capabilities for Non-Uniform Constellations Thu PM1, 15m 17/0147r0 Hiroshi Mano FILS for TGay 17/0052r1 Claudio da Silva Header-A Definition for EDMG Control Mode 17/0059r1 Hiroyuki Motozuka EDMG capabilities for Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing in SU-MIMO Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

48 Meeting Slot #6 Thursday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm January 2017 May 2015
doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Meeting Slot #6 Thursday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

49 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Agenda Call meeting to order Patent policy and logistics Presentation Motions Goals for March 2017 plenary Teleconference schedule Adjourn Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

50 List of presentation January 2017 Doc. No. Presenter Title
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 List of presentation Doc. No. Presenter Title Topic & Time 17/0064r1 Dzevdan Kapetanovic UL Training Protocol for DL MU-MIMO in ay SFD Thu PM2, 30m 17/0024r1 Carol Ansley Comparison between Simulated and Measured Results for a Residential Setting Thu PM2, 20m Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

51 Motion #143: Draft January 2017
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #143: Draft Do you agree to insert the following in draft: “The 11ay specification shall enable BSS discovery through transmitted DMG Beacon frames based on: Setting the Quasi-omni TX subfield to one in transmitted DMG Beacon frames to indicate the potential for discovery based on quasi-omni transmission Appending TRN-R subfields to transmitted DMG Beacon frames Transmit antenna training by an EDMG STA based on TRN-R subfields appended to a received DMG Beacon frame that has the Quasi-omni TX subfield equal to one.” Note 1: Contribution number: 16/1571r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 7 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain Move: Hiroyuki Motozuka Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed (Yes: 17, No: 0, Abstain: 7) Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

52 Motion #144: Draft January 2017
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #144: Draft Do you agree to insert the following in draft: “The 11ay specification shall enable BSS discovery through Probe Request based on: Appending TRN-R subfields to a Probe Request frame transmitted with quasi-omni antenna pattern Transmit antenna training by an EDMG STA based on TRN-R subfields appended to a received Probe Request frame transmitted with a quasi-omni antenna pattern.” Note 1: Contribution number: 16/1571r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 7 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain Move: Hiroyuki Motozuka Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

53 Motion #145: Draft Do you agree to add the following text into draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #145: Draft Do you agree to add the following text into draft? For an allocation that does not include the primary channel, its allocation information shall be completely and only included in the EDMG Extended Schedule element. Note 1: Contribution number: 16/1565r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 27 Yes, 0 No, 11 Abstain Move: Hiroyuki Motozuka Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

54 Motion #146: Draft Do you agree to add the following text into Draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #146: Draft Do you agree to add the following text into Draft? A Scheduling Type subfield shall be added into each Channel Allocation field of the EDMG Extended Schedule element to indicate whether an allocation is based on incremental signaling or complete signaling. Note 1: Contribution number: 16/1565r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 21 Yes, 0 No, 13 Abstain Move: Hiroyuki Motozuka Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

55 Motion #147: Draft January 2017 May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1
Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

56 Motion #148: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #148: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the draft? For an EDMG SC PPDU, the Length field in the L-Header is set so that the spoofing error shall be smaller than one symbol block (512*Tc) and non-negative, where Spoofing error = (TXTIME calculated based on L-Header) – (TXTIME). Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0105r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 26 Yes, 0 No, 8 Abstain Move: Hiroyuki Motozuka Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

57 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #149: Draft Do you agree to add the following field ‘DCM SQPSK over two aggregated channels field (1 bit)’ in the EDMG-header-A for an EDMG SU PPDU to the draft? A value of 1 indicates that DCM SQPSK over two aggregated channels is applied. A value of 0 indicates that DCM SQPSK over two aggregated channels is not applied. Reserved if either TX or RX does not support DCM SQPSK over two aggregated channels. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0061r6 Note 2: Straw poll results: 36 Yes, 0 No, 7 Abstain Move: Tao Wu Second: Yan Xin Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

58 Motion #150: Draft Do you agree to add to the draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #150: Draft Do you agree to add to the draft? EDMG TRN subfield for CB = 1, 2, 3, 4 and MIMO NSS = 1, 2, … 8, shall have a structure shown on slide #9 of 16/1636r0. The GaN/GbN sequence length is defined as N = 128 * CB. All sequences GaN/GbN are defined in the SFD. Note 1: Contribution number: 16/1636r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 26 Yes, 0 No, 9 Abstain Move: Alexander Maltsev Second: Rob Sun Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

59 Motion #151: Draft January 2017
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #151: Draft Do you agree that (1) the AGC field currently defined for single-carrier and control mode EDMG PPDUs shall be removed and (2) the training field of EDMG PPDUs shall be defined as shown below for the single-carrier and control modes? In the proposed structure, the number of TRN sequences used for channel estimation (that is, transmitted with the same AWV as the preamble/data fields) (P) and for BF training (which may use different AWV settings depending on whether transmit or receive training is used) (M) in a TRN-Unit is configurable. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

60 Motion #151: Draft (con’t)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #151: Draft (con’t) Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0007r1 Note 2: Straw poll results: 23 Yes, 1 No, 11 Abstain Move: Claudio da Silva Second: Rob Sun Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

61 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #152: Draft Do you agree to incorporate the additions to the BRP Request Field (slide 11 of 17/0007r1), EDMG Header A bits (slide 12 of 17/0007r1), Mandatory features (slide 13 of 17/0007r1), and Capabilities element (slides 14 and 15 of 17/0007r1) to the Draft? Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0007r1 Note 2: Straw poll results: 19 Yes, 0 No, 14 Abstain Move: Claudio da Silva Second: Yan Xin Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

62 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #153: Draft Do you agree to insert the following in the 11ay Draft? 11ay specification shall define EDMG SU PPDU aggregation. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0051r3 Note 2: Straw poll results: 27 Yes, 0 No, 8 Abstain Move: Takenori Sakamoto Second: Hiroyuki Motozuka Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

63 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #154: Draft Do you agree with the EDMG A-PPDU formats shown in slides 3 and 5 of 11-17/0051r3 for 11ay SC mode? Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0051r3 Note 2: Straw poll results: 28 Yes, 0 No, 6 Abstain Move: Takenori Sakamoto Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

64 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #155: Draft Do you agree to add “Additional EDMG PPDU field” to the EDMG-Header-A? Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0051r3 Note 2: Straw poll results: 26 Yes, 0 No, 6 Abstain Move: Takenori Sakamoto Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

65 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #156: Draft Do you agree with the coding and modulation method shown in slide 7 of 11-17/0051r3 for EDMG-Header-A within the EDMG A-PPDU transmitted with the same bandwidth as the corresponding data field in 11ay SC mode? Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0051r3 Note 2: Straw poll results: 26 Yes, 0 No, 8 Abstain Move: Takenori Sakamoto Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

66 Motion #157: Draft Do you agree to include in draft the following?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #157: Draft Do you agree to include in draft the following? TXOP Owner may reduce the PPDU occupied channel width only when transmitting EDMG PPDU. A TXOP owner shall not increase the PPDU occupied channel width within the same TXOP. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0119r1 Note 2: Straw poll results: 27 Yes, 0 No, 7 Abstain Move: Claudio da Silva Second: Yan Xin Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

67 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #158: Draft Do you agree to apply cyclic extension of EDMG-CEF field as defined on slide #6 of 17/0149r2? Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0149r2 Note 2: Straw poll results: 21 Yes, 0 No, 5 Abstain Move: Claudio da Silva Second: Yan Xin Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

68 Motion #159: Draft January 2017
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #159: Draft Do you agree to add the following text to the Draft? If the Short SSW packet is transmitted during ISS and RSS and then SSW-Feedback frame and SSW-ACK frame are transmitted, SSW Feedback field within SSW-Feedback frame and SSW-ACK frame is interpreted as the figure in slide 4 of 17/0109r1. Sector Select subfield (6bits) is interpreted as CDOWN Select 1 subfield (6bits). DMG Antenna Select subfield (2bits) is interpreted as RF Chain Select subfield (2bits). Reserved bits (5bits) are interpreted as CDOWN Select 2 subfield (5bits). Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0109r1 Note 2: Straw poll results: 17 Yes, 0 No, 10 Abstain Move: SungJin Park Second: JinMin Kim Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

69 Motion #160: Draft Do you agree to add the following text into draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #160: Draft Do you agree to add the following text into draft? Short SSW frame can be transmitted by associated STAs in A-BFT for 11ay. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0107r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 25 Yes, 0 No, 8 Abstain Move: JinMin Kim Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

70 Motion #161: Draft Do you agree to add the following text into draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #161: Draft Do you agree to add the following text into draft? If short SSW frame is transmitted in A-BFT, SSW slot time for short SSW frame is the same as 11ad. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0107r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 22 Yes, 0 No, 5 Abstain Move: JinMin Kim Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

71 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #162: Draft Do you agree to add the signaling for multi-channel and multiple RX antenna SPSH using Optional Sub-elements in Directional Channel Quality Request/Report frame (shown on slides 6-7 of 17/0108r0) into the Draft? Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0108r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 20 Yes, 0 No, 5 Abstain Move: JinMin Kim Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

72 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #163: Draft Do you agree to add the following text to the ay draft? An EDMG STA may support hybrid precoding (defined as a combination of analog beamforming and digital baseband precoding) for SU-MIMO. An EDMG STA may support hybrid precoding (defined as a combination of analog beamforming and digital baseband precoding) for MU-MIMO. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0040r2 Note 2: Straw poll results: 24 Yes, 0 No, 4 Abstain Move: Kome Oteri Second: Rui Yang Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

73 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #164: Draft Do you agree to instruct the editor to incorporate the text in document r0 TX Masks into IEEE ay draft 0.1? Note 1: Contribution number: 16/1627r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 27 Yes, 0 No, 4 Abstain Move: Claudio da Silva Second: Yan Xin Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

74 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #165: Draft Do you agree to instruct the editor to incorporate the draft text in document EDMG Capabilities into IEEE ay draft 0.1, and edit the text as necessary to be compatible with the DMG Capabilities element in IEEE ? Note 1: Contribution number: 16/1626r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 27 Yes, 0 No, 3 Abstain Move: Claudio da Silva Second: Yan Xin Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

75 Motion #166: Draft January 2017
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #166: Draft To deal with asymmetric DMG antenna configurations, the 11ay specification shall define an enhanced SLS protocol that enables beamforming training between an AP or PCP and non-AP or non-PCP STAs that includes the following steps: adding TRN-R subfields to DMG Beacon frames transmitted in the BTI; beamforming training between the PCP/AP and non-PCP/non-AP STAs (as shown in slides 8-9 of 17/0067r1); scheduling of directional allocations in the DTI  (as shown in slides of 17/0067r1) Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0067r1 Note 2: Straw poll results: 21 Yes, 0 No, 5 Abstain Move: Alexander Maltsev Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

76 Motion #167: Draft January 2017 May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1
Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

77 Motion #167: SFD (con’t) January 2017
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #167: SFD (con’t) Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0053r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 18 Yes, 0 No, 3 Abstain Move: Claudio da Silva Second: Yan Xin Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

78 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #168: Draft Do you agree to define in the draft, the 16 bits of address field within Short SSW frame to contain RA and TA AID fields? If the TA or RA is the AP itself, the TA or RA AID field should be filled with the 8 bits of the EDMG BSS AID. In case of ISS and Unicast, the Short SSW Feedback field should be replaced by the Short Scrambled BSSID(SS-BSSID) field. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0022r2 Note 2: Straw poll results: 28 Yes, 0 No, 8 Abstain Move: Rob Sun Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

79 Motion #169: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #169: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the draft? The BSSID values are scrambled with the following formula before the calculation of SS-BSSID in the Short SSW packet. scrambled i-th word = (i-th word + scramble pattern) mod 216, where each word is the part of the BSSID which is split by 16 bits, and + is integer addition. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0022r2 Note 2: Straw poll results: 27 Yes, 0 No, 5 Abstain Move: Rob Sun Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

80 Motion #170: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #170: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the draft? Scramble patterns for SS-BSSID calculation are defined as follows: Scramble pattern = (0x5795 * seed) mod 215 The seed is the scrambler initialization in the PHY header of the Short SSW packet. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0022r2 Note 2: Straw poll results: 26 Yes, 0 No, 6 Abstain Move: Rob Sun Second: Yan Xin Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

81 Motion #171: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #171: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the draft? The EDMG core capabilities shall contain NUC capabilities which indicate support of NUC and differentiate between NUC transmission and reception. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0057r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 27 Yes, 0 No, 3 Abstain Move: Dana Ciochina Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

82 Motion #172: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the Draft?
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #172: Draft Do you agree to add the following to the Draft? EDMG header-A and header-B shall have an indication to signal use of non-uniform constellation. The indication consists of a single bit in each header and rules of slide #5 of 17/0057r0 apply. Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0057r0 Note 2: Straw poll results: 28 Yes, 0 No, 4 Abstain Move: Dana Ciochina Second: Rob Sun Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

83 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #173: Draft Do you agree with the EDMG-Header-A definition proposed in slide 7 of 17/0052r1? Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0052r1 Note 2: Straw poll results: 15 Yes, 0 No, 7 Abstain Move: Claudio da Silva Second: Alexander Maltsev Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

84 May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Motion #174: Draft Do you agree to add the following capability information in the core capabilities field of the EDMG capabilities element regarding open loop precoding into the 11ay draft? Open Loop Precoding Supported field (1bit) Note 1: Contribution number: 17/0059r1 Note 2: Straw poll results: 21 Yes, 0 No, 6 Abstain Move: Hiroyuki Motozuka Second: Claudio da Silva Result: The motion is passed with unanimous consent. Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

85 Goals for March 2017 plenary
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Goals for March 2017 plenary Technical presentation Draft development Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

86 Teleconference schedule
May 2015 doc.: IEEE /0496r1 January 2017 Teleconference schedule February 15 (Wednesday), 10:00am ET – 11:00am ET February 22 (Wednesday), 10:00am ET – 11:00am ET March 1 (Wednesday), 10:00am ET – 11:00am ET Edward Au (Huawei Technologies) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)

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