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Sex Utilitarianism and Liberty

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Presentation on theme: "Sex Utilitarianism and Liberty"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sex Utilitarianism and Liberty
Agenda To understand the utilitarianism foundations with relation to matters of sex To explore the explicit views of Bentham and Mill as well as modern utilitarian applications To understand some of the pillars of a libertarian approach to matters of sex

2 Summary Bentham writes in ‘Essay on Paederasty [18th century term for anal sex]’ that the law should only enter the bedroom when what occurs there does harm to society. Do you agree? Why is this a sensible position? Are there any flaws?

3 Video Watch the following clip

4 Live Free or Die In the sopranos episode live free or die, mafia boss tony soprano finds out one of his senior captains (capo) is gay. Homosexuality is taboo and seen as a sign of male weakness Tony, with his psychiatrist, expresses his views on the matter He believes homosexual acts to be disgusting He is also the boss and so is acutely aware of the importance of morale and ‘being seen’ to do the ‘right’ thing What is good for business is also a major factor in his outlook He does express the belief that what goes on in private is none of his concern

5 What underlying values (potentially conflicting) does Tony Soprano hold?
What would a utilitarian do in this situation?

6 Activity In pairs, you are going to imagine your given person is being interviewed by a psychiatrist. Using handout information, you are going to script the responses to the given questions They share their feelings very openly as they are confidential To be performed next lesson


8 Questions 1) If I were to say sexual intercourse is moral, what would your response be? 2) So do you think people should be allowed to do whatever causes the greatest happiness? 3) Is autonomy in matter sex the key then? 4) How do you view the rights and roles of women compared to men in matters of sex? 5) So contraception is brilliant then, right? 6) How do you feel about homosexuality? 7) So do you think homosexual acts should be illegal? If you caught your partner watching porn or masturbating, how would you react? 8) If you were to give one word to explain how you feel about sexual ethics, what would it be?

9 Summary Bentham writes in ‘Essay on Paederasty [18th century term for anal sex]’ that the law should only enter the bedroom when what occurs there does harm to society. Do you agree? Why is this a sensible position? Are there any flaws?

10 ‘The Enigma of William Tell’ Salvador Dali

11 Psychiatrist Task One word about your person’s perspective on sex
Complete Interviews Read script During reading, create a utilitarianism and sexual ethics mindmap As a ‘fly on the wall’ in the meeting, do you have any challenges or questions for the character?

12 Consider strengths and weaknesses
‘Utilitarianism offers the best possible approach to the ethics of sex.’ Discuss.

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