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In what year was Canada’s constitution made?

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2 In what year was Canada’s constitution made?

3 Prior to 1949 in what city would you find Canada's final court of appeal?

4 What was legally significant for Canada with the agreement to end WWI?

5 Leading up to the 1980 referendum what did Prime Minister Trudeau promise to renew?

6 What happened on April 17, 1982?

7 Of the 10 provinces how many signed the Constitution Act of 1982?

8 What was the name of the 1992 constitutional proposal that was put before the people of Canada to vote upon?

9 What agreement promised to make Quebec a "distict society"?

10 The 1995 Quebec referendum on independence resulted in another win by the "No" side. Within 3%, what was the winning percentage?

11 What act, passed in 1931, gave Canada complete control over its foreign policy?

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