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The fiscal squeeze on justice has tightened in recent years

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Presentation on theme: "The fiscal squeeze on justice has tightened in recent years"— Presentation transcript:

1 The fiscal squeeze on justice has tightened in recent years
NOMS departmental expenditure * (*estimated)

2 Public opinion reveals most people are ‘balancers’ on criminal justice
Aspects of justice performance most important to the public (2017)

3 Early intervention deemed one of the best ways to cut crime
Public opinion on the most effective ways of cutting crime (2017)

4 The use of out of court disposals has been declining steadily since 2010
Total number of out of court disposals: 1970 to 2016

5 The majority of sentences handed out by the courts continue to be under 12 months
Proportion of short (<12 months) and long (>12 months) custodial sentence lengths (2017)

6 Most short custodial sentences are handed out for non-serious crimes
Breakdown of short custodial sentences (<12 months) by offence type in 2017

7 Scrapping custodial sentences <12 months in favour of intense community sentences could reduce the male prison population by roughly 8,000 Male offenders: Impact of diversion on the number of short sentences

8 Scrapping custodial sentences <12 months in favour of intense community sentences could reduce the female prison population by roughly 900 Female offenders: Impact of diversion on the number of short sentences

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