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Flow Regulation on the River Awe

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1 Flow Regulation on the River Awe
Alan Kettle-White

2 The River Awe 5 km length HMWB (S&SE) Good EP 22 MW Scheme
Loch Etive Power House 5 km length HMWB (S&SE) Good EP 22 MW Scheme Built NW Hydro Board Awe Salmon Fishery Hatchery replaced spawning at Barrage Barrage / intake Loch Awe

3 Migration Corridor & Nursery Habitat

4 The Awe Barrage 2 x radial flood gates Boreland fish lift
Comp flow via top generator set

5 Old flow profile 2011

6 Regulated Flow - Summer

7 Regulated Flow - Winter

8 River Awe - Fish Recruitment
Objectives; Identify & tackle factors affecting fish passage & spawning Spawning sites- Redd counts Assess egg-to-smolt survival – electrofishing surveys Identify potential to improve condition of habitats – habitat survey Inform flow regulation regime Mitigate loss of spawning sites Project partners; Argyll Fisheries Trust Awe District River Improvement Association Scottish & Southern Energy Scottish Government (via RAFTS)

9 R. Awe Study Conclusions
Downstream Fish Passage Salmon smolts Salmon Kelts Ferox trout Spawning Shortage of optimal spawning sites Supply of spawning material Insufficient flow at spawning time Some spawning sites left high and dry in winter Comp / Freshet flow review Spawning site & flow mitigation / creation Produce plans and obtain licenses

10 Flow changes - Objectives
AIMS; Increase ‘naturalness’ of flows to better serve general ecology & improve recruitment of Juvenile fish Egg incubation; >Jan-March 700,000 (m³/day) Alevin Survival; < April; 900,000 (m³/day) Emergent Fry > May – 15th June; 1,000,000 (m³/day) Inverts & fish growth; 16th June – July; 700,000 (m³/day) Increase habitat area; Aug-Sept; >900,000 (m³/day) Spawning; Oct – >Dec; 800,000 (m³/day) Freshets; 10 times per year at 1,500,000 (m³/day); 23 days Spare water for adaptive management

11 New flow profile 2012

12 Assessment of new flow regime
1. Fish counter validation Assess adult migration in relation to new flow discharge (December) 2. Early fry emergence Electrofishing at spawn sites (May) 3. Assess juvenile habitat suitability Map fry habitat at different flow discharges (May, July, Sept & Oct) 4. Redd counts Assess use of spawning habitat (Oct to January) 5. Habitat Restoration options Spawning site & flow restoration / creation Produce plans and obtain licenses

13 Off-line Spawning

14 Low flow channel connection

15 Anglers? All 1 SW grilse 4 to 8lb No fresh run fish
Some left to fish on other rivers All of them moaned Some of them caught fish All 1 SW grilse 4 to 8lb No fresh run fish


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