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Germ layers: Cell lineages

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Presentation on theme: "Germ layers: Cell lineages"— Presentation transcript:

1 Germ layers: Cell lineages

2 Epithelium and Mesenchyme
Defined by cell morphology and expression of definitive markers Mesenchyme Loosely packed connective tissue - migratory

3 Pancreas Development signals Endoderm: Ventral pancreas
Cardiac mesoderm signals Notochord signals Endoderm: Ventral pancreas Dorsal pancreas Signals from pancreatic mesenchyme Signals from pancreatic mesenchyme Exocrine cells Endocrine islets Ductal cells (Low replication and regeneration potential)

4 Cellular Organization of the (Mouse) Pancreatic Islet*
Insulin ( cells) Glucagon ( cells) Somatostatin (d cells) Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP) Ghrelin (e cells) *Human pancreas has characteristic shape, but with islet cell types intermingled

5 High replication potential
Liver Development Cardiac mesoderm signals Endoderm: Liver (2 lobes) Signals from at least 3 different mesodermal tissues and endothelial cells Hepatocytes High replication potential

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