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3.Submandibular gland 下颌下腺(No.32)

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Presentation on theme: "3.Submandibular gland 下颌下腺(No.32)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3.Submandibular gland 下颌下腺(No.32)
Digestive gland 1.Pancreas 胰腺 (No.30) 2.Liver 肝(No.31) 3.Submandibular gland 下颌下腺(No.32)

2 Pancreas (胰腺) Capsule Septa extend into the gland Ill-defined lobule

3 Interlobular ducts Islets of Langerhands: scattered among the exocrine portion


5 Exocrine gland Endocrine gland

6 Exocrine portion: pyramidal serous cells
centroacinar cells

7 Centroacinar cell

8 Intercalated ducts (闰管) Intralobular ducts (小叶内导管) Interlobular ducts (小叶间导管)

9 Intralobular duct Intercalated duct Serous acinus

10 Intralobular ducts

11 Intralobular ducts

12 Interlobular ducts

13 Pancreas islet

14 Liver Capsule Parenchyma: hepatocyte


16 Liver lobule Central vein Plates of hepatocytes Sinusoids

17 Kupffer cell Heptocyte Bile canaliculi Central vein

18 Bile canaliculi (胆小管)

19 Liver plates Liver sinusoids: kupffer cells

20 Hepatocyte, Kupffer cells

21 Central vein : incomplete wall connect with liver sinusoids

22 Portal area: Interlobular veins
Interlobular arteries Interlobular bile ducts

23 Portal area

24 Hepatic lobule and Portal area

25 Human liver Pig liver

26 Blood vessels of liver

27 Central vein

28 Hepatic sinusoid

29 Submandibular gland

30 Serous acinus Mucous acinus

31 Demilune

32 Intercalated duct Striated duct

33 实验报告: 拍典型图片1-2张,word上传 文件名:姓名-Digestive gland( ) Pancreas 1.Low power: exocrine portion endocrine portion Liver 1.Low power: liver lobule Central vein Plates of hepatocytes Liver sinusoids 2.High power: Kupffer cells

34 The end!

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