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Published byMorris Barber Modified over 6 years ago
Earth Rotation Causes Time Zones Seasons 1 Seasons 2 Seasons 3
Links work best in Chrome, Safari, or Firefox (Not so well in Explorer!) Phases of the Moon 1 Phases of the Moon 2 Earth Rotation Causes Time Zones Seasons 1 Seasons 2 Seasons 3 Eccentricity
Which main sequence star has a surface temperature of about 9500K?
1) 40 Eridani B ) Barnard’s Star 2) Rigel 4) Sirius
The diagram represents a planet in orbit around a star.
If the distance between the foci is 0.8 cm and the length from A to B is 17 cm, what is the eccentricity of orbit? E = .047 Which planet in OUR solar system is similar in eccentricity? Uranus
Which diagram best represents the Sun’s apparent path as seen by an observer at 43.5° N latitude on December 21?
Identify one possible date represented by letter A.
March 21
the units and compass direction in your answer.
State the numerical latitude at which the Sun is directly overhead at noon on December Include the units and compass direction in your answer. 23.5o S
State the number of daylight hours occurring north of the Arctic Circle on June 21.
Because Earth is always tilted the same way!
Explain why the Sun’s direct rays are at different latitudes as Earth revolves around the Sun. Because Earth is always tilted the same way!
At which position would sunrise occur on March 21? (1) A (3) C
The diagram represents a horizon in New York State. Four positions of sunrise: A, B, C, and D, on different days of the year are shown At which position would sunrise occur on March 21? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D At which position would sunrise occur on June 21? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D
The diagram represents the spectral lines from the light of an element in a laboratory on Earth.
Which diagram best represents the pattern of spectral lines from the same element when observed in the light of a distant galaxy?
Which color of visible light has the longest wavelength?
(3) yellow (2) green (4) violet (1) red
Which evidence best supports the theory that
the universe was created by an explosion called the Big Bang? (1) impact craters found on Earth (2) cosmic background radiation (3) the different compositions of terrestrial and Jovian planets (4) the blue shift of light from distant galaxies
The red shift of visible light waves that is
observed by astronomers on Earth is used to determine the (1) sizes of nearby galaxies (2) relative motions of distant galaxies (3) densities of the planets (4) rotation periods of the planets
Which statement best compares the angles of insolation at noon on March 21 and June 21 in New York State? (1) The angle of insolation is 23.5o greater on the 21st day of March, making the sun more intense. (2) The intensity and angle of insolation are approximately equal on March 21 and June 21. (3) The angle of insolation is 23.5o greater on the 21st day of June, making the sun more intense. (4) The sun is more intense on March 21 and the angle of insolation is greatest on June 21.
(1) revolution of Earth around the Sun
The constellation Pisces changes position during a night, as shown in the diagram. Which motion is mainly responsible for this change in position? (1) revolution of Earth around the Sun (2) rotation of Earth on its axis (3) revolution of Pisces around the Sun (4) rotation of Pisces on its axis
Which location is the Equator?
(3) Location C (2) Location B (4) None (1) Location A
The map of the night sky represents the apparent locations of some of the constellations that are visible to an observer at approximately 40° N latitude at 9 p.m. in April. The point directly above the observer is labeled zenith. Which best illustrates the apparent path of Virgo over the next 4 hours? Earth rotates, so all objects appear to move East to West!
At which New York State location would an observer measure the highest altitude of Polaris?
(1) New York City (3) Niagara Falls (2) Slide Mountain (4) Plattsburgh
How many days are required for the Moon to go from one full-Moon phase to the next full-Moon phase when viewed from Earth? (1) (2) (3) (4) 365
In which sequence are items listed from least
total mass to greatest total mass? (1) solar system, Milky Way, universe (2) Milky Way, solar system, universe (3) universe, Milky Way, solar system (4) Milky Way, universe, solar system
Very cold climates occur at Earth’s North and South Poles because the polar regions
(1) are usually farthest from the Sun (2) absorb the greatest amount of insolation (3) receive the most hours of daylight (4) receive low-angle insolation
On which day were shadows the longest? (1) Dec. 21 (3) June 21
The diagram shows the apparent daily path of the Sun, as viewed by an observer at a certain latitude on three different days of the year. On which day were shadows the longest? (1) Dec. 21 (3) June 21 (2) March 21 (4) It was the same on all days On which day was there the greatest insolation? (1) Dec. 21 (3) June 21 (2) March 21 (4) It was the same on all days
At which latitude were these apparent Sun paths most likely observed?
The diagram shows the apparent daily path of the Sun, as viewed by an observer at a certain latitude on three different days of the year. At which latitude were these apparent Sun paths most likely observed? (1) 0° (3) 43° N (2) 23.5° N (4) 66.5° N
(2) March 21 (4) They are all equal
The diagram shows the apparent daily path of the Sun, as viewed by an observer at a certain latitude on three different days of the year. Which apparent Sun path provides the observer with the greatest angles of insolation? (1) Dec 21 (3) June 21 (2) March 21 (4) They are all equal
Which path creates the greatest change in shadows for the observer?
The diagram shows the apparent daily path of the Sun, as viewed by an observer at a certain latitude on three different days of the year. Which path creates the greatest change in shadows for the observer? (1) Dec 21 (3) June 21 (2) March 21 (4) They are all equal
Which color of visible light has the shortest wavelength?
(3) yellow (2) green (4) red (1) violet
How about on March 21st?
A C About 365 How many Earth rotations equals one Earth revolution?
The diagram below shows a model of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Letters A, B, C, and D represent Earth’s position at the beginning of each season. How many Earth rotations equals one Earth revolution? Which position of Earth represents the day when Earth’s revolution is fastest? Which position of Earth represents the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere? C A About 365
C—December 21 C—December 21 (2) A—December 21 (4) A—June 21
A student in New York State looked toward the eastern horizon to observe sunrise at three different times during the year. The student drew the following diagram that shows the positions of sunrise, A, B, and C, during this one-year period. Which list correctly pairs the location of sunrise to the day of the year? (1) A—June (3) A—March 21 B—March B—June 21 C—December C—December 21 (2) A—December (4) A—June 21 B—March B—December 21 C—June C—March 21
During which month does the Sun appear to rise farthest north of due east for an observer in New York State? (1) December (3) June (2) January (4) July
The diagram here represents the constellation Lyra.
Which statement best explains why Lyra is visible to an observer in New York State at midnight in July but not visible at midnight in December? (1) Earth spins on its axis. (2) Earth orbits the Sun. (3) Lyra spins on its axis. (4) Lyra orbits Earth.
If the average distance between Earth and the
Sun were doubled, what changes would occur in the Sun’s gravitational pull on Earth and Earth’s period of revolution? (1) Gravitational pull would decrease and period of revolution would increase. (2) Gravitational pull would decrease and period of revolution would decrease. (3) Gravitational pull would increase and period (4) Gravitational pull would increase and period
According to this March 23rd diagram,
What is the Sun’s altitude at solar noon? (1) 23.5° (3) 48° (2) 42° (4) 90° What is the Sun’s expected altitude at solar noon on June 22nd? (1) 23.5° (3) 71.5° (2) 48° (4) 88.5° +23.5°! What is the approximate latitude of the observer? (1) 23.5° N (2) 42° N (3) 48° N (4) 90° N
Which diagram represents the approximate location of the Sun at 9 a. m
Which diagram represents the approximate location of the Sun at 9 a.m. on March 21?
Where will the planet be located?
The diagram represents a moon in revolution /orbit around a planet. f1 f2 P Where will the planet be located? At one of the foci. State one fact about this moon at its current position Gravity is weakest, orbit is slowest, distance is greatest, moon appears smallest, etc.
The diagram shows the relative positions of Earth and Mars in their orbits on a particular date during the winter of 2007. Which diagram correctly shows the locations of Earth and Mars on the same date during the winter of 2008?
If it is 4 a.m. at location A, what time is it at location B?
The diagram below shows the latitude and longitude lines on Earth. Points A and B are locations on Earth’s surface. 60o longitude = 4 hours! If it is 4 a.m. at location A, what time is it at location B? (1) 10 a.m. (3) 6 a.m. (2) 2 a.m. (4) 8 a.m.
Which pair of shaded circles best represents the relative sizes of Earth and Venus when drawn to scale?
Which star color indicates an 8000K main sequence star?
(1) blue (3) yellow (2) white (4) red
The diagram shows the position of the Sun, Moon, and Earth during a solar eclipse. The full shadow (umbra) and partial shadow (penumbra) are shown. Which diagram best represents the appearance of the Sun and the Moon to an observer located within the umbra of the Moon’s shadow on Earth’s surface?
A graph of tidal sea-level changes at a coastal city is shown below.
The number of hours from one high tide to the next high tide is approximately (1) 4 h (2) 8 h (3) 12 h (4) 24 h
The diagram shows the position of the Earth during a single revolution around the sun as viewed from above the north pole. Letters A – H represent positions. SPRING WINTER SUMMER AUTUMN Label (using the letters) the beginning of each northern hemisphere season.
From which New York State location would Polaris be observed to have an altitude closest to 43° above the northern horizon? Binghamton (3) Watertown (2) Utica (4) New York City
(1) 15° higher in the sky (3) 42° higher in the sky
The diagram shows the altitude of the Sun at solar noon on March 21, as seen by an observer at 42° N latitude. Compared to the altitude of the Sun observed at solar noon on March 21, the altitude of the Sun observed at solar noon on June 21 will be (1) 15° higher in the sky (3) 42° higher in the sky (2) 23.5° higher in the sky ) 48° higher in the sky
C—December 21 C—December 21 (2) A—December 21 (4) A—June 21
A student in New York State looked toward the eastern horizon to observe sunrise at three different times during the year. The student drew the following diagram that shows the positions of sunrise, A, B, and C, during this one-year period. Which list correctly pairs the location of sunrise to the day of the year? (1) A—June (3) A—March 21 B—March B—June 21 C—December C—December 21 (2) A—December (4) A—June 21 B—March B—December 21 C—June C—March 21
The diagram below shows the Moon in different positions as it revolves around Earth, as observed from above the North Pole (NP). Which image correctly represents the Moon at position 8, as observed from Earth?
When will planet D move fastest in its orbit?
The diagram shows the orbit of planet D around the star Upsilon Andromedae. The dashed lines show where the paths of the first four planets of our solar system would be located if they were going around Upsilon Andromedae instead of the Sun. All distances are drawn to scale. On the diagram, the distance between the Star and the Second focus of Planet D’s orbit is 3.5 cm, and the length across the Line of major axis of orbits is 11 cm. How does the orbit of Planet D compare to the orbits of the planets shown in our solar system? When will planet D move fastest in its orbit? What is the eccentricity of Planet D? e = .318 When it is closest to the star Planet D has a more elliptical/eccentric orbit
The animation indicates a shadow growing to the east, because
(1) the sun is rising in the east. (2) the Earth rotates the same way. (3) the sun is setting to the west. (4) the Mayan calendar ended last year!
(1) ultraviolet (3) infrared (2) visible light (4) radio waves
The diagram below represents the greenhouse effect in which heat energy is trapped in Earth’s atmosphere. Which type of radiation from Earth is the long-wave radiation absorbed by greenhouse gases? (1) ultraviolet (3) infrared (2) visible light (4) radio waves
(1) 150 million kilometers (2) 228 million kilometers
The diagram below shows the orbital paths of Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and a comet named Wild 2. What is the approximate distance between the Sun and Wild 2 when this comet is closest to the Sun? (1) 150 million kilometers (2) 228 million kilometers (3) 778 million kilometers (4) 820 million kilometers
Which statement concerning the diagram is probably true?
The diagram below represents the path of the Earth’s orbit around the sun compared to the path of the orbit of a comet around the sun. Which statement concerning the diagram is probably true? (1) A comet has a less eccentric orbit and a shorter period of revolution than the Earth. (2) A comet has a more eccentric orbit and a shorter period of revolution than the Earth. (3) A comet has a less eccentric orbit and a longer period of revolution than the Earth. (4) A comet has a more eccentric orbit and a longer period of revolution than the Earth.
Energy is transferred from the Sun to Earth mainly by
(1) molecular collisions (2) density currents (3) electromagnetic waves (4) red shifts
Which process produces the energy that allows the stars of the universe to radiate visible light?
(1) convection (2) Insolation (3) nuclear fusion (4) radioactive decay
Which star color indicates the hottest star surface temperature?
(1) blue (3) yellow (2) white (4) red
Which diagram best represents the view of Polaris to an observer located at the Earth’s Equator?
The diagram below shows four surfaces of equal area that absorb insolation.
Which letter represents the surface that most likely reflects the greatest amount of insolation? (1) A (3) C (2) B Which letter represents the surface that most likely absorbs the greatest amount of insolation? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D
Which type of electromagnetic energy has the longest wavelength?
(1) infrared radiation (2) radio wave radiation (3) ultraviolet radiation (4) x-ray radiation
The theory that the universe is expanding is
supported by the (1) blue shift of light from distant galaxies (2) red shift of light from distant galaxies (3) nuclear fusion occurring in the Sun (4) radioactive decay occurring in the Sun
If an observer on Earth cannot view Polaris, the observer is located at the
(1) equator (0°) (2) North Pole (90° N) (3) Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N) (4) Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° S)
6/09 How will the moon appear to an observer on Earth when it is at location G?
6/09 How will the moon appear to an observer on Earth when it is at location C?
6/09 Which lunar phases will cause the lowest tides of the month on Earth (Neap Tides)? C & G (The quarters)
Which diagram best shows the noon Sun providing an observer with the greatest amount of insolation?
At which position is the Moon “full”?
The diagram below shows the Moon orbiting Earth as viewed from space above the North Pole. The Moon is shown at eight different positions in its orbit. At which position is the Moon “full”? At which positions is the Moon a “quarter”?
Which graph best represents the general relationship between latitude and average surface temperature?
The diagram below shows the Moon orbiting Earth as viewed from space above the North Pole. The Moon is shown at eight different positions in its orbit. At which two positions of the Moon is an eclipse of the Sun or Moon possible? (1) 1 and 5 (3) 3 and 7 (2) 2 and 6 (4) 4 and 8
Which material absorbs the most solar radiation?
The diagram below indicates the amount of solar radiation that is reflected by equal areas of various materials on Earth’s surface. Which material absorbs the most solar radiation? (1) grassy field (3) sand (2) fresh snow (4) forest
On which day were shadows the longest? (1) Dec. 21 (3) June 21
The diagram shows the apparent daily path of the Sun, as viewed by an observer at a certain latitude on three different days of the year. On which day were shadows the longest? (1) Dec. 21 (3) June 21 (2) March 21 (4) It was the same on all days On which day was there the greatest insolation? (1) Dec. 21 (3) June 21 (2) March 21 (4) It was the same on all days
Which diagram best shows the Sun’s apparent path, as seen by an observer on July 21 in New York State?
How many degrees does the Sun appear to move across the sky in four hours?
(1) 60° (3) 15° (2) 45° (4) 4° 4 x 15 = 60!
10 AM Is about 30o to the East of South—Earth rotates at 15o / hour. Which circle for the SUMMER solstice represents the 10 AM sun? Which circle for the SUMMER solstice represents the noon sun? 12 PM If this is NYS, which direction is North? S W E North Noon sun is always to the SOUTH, noon shadows are always to the NORTH. N
The diagram below shows the Moon in different positions as it revolves around Earth, as observed from above the North Pole (NP). Which image correctly represents the Moon at position 1, as observed from Earth?
Diagram 1 shows the Moon in its orbit at four positions labeled A, B, C, and D. Diagram 2 shows a phase of the Moon as viewed from New York State. At which labeled Moon position would the phase of the Moon shown in diagram 2 be observed from New York State? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D
from above the North Pole.
The diagram shows a model of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Letters A, B, C, and D represent Earth’s position at the beginning of each season. In which orbital position would Earth be illuminated as shown? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D Viewed from above the North Pole.
to indicate the location of the shadow of the “Observer in Buffalo”.
On the same sky model diagram place a at the apparent position of the North Star as seen from Buffalo. With your sun at 3 PM on March 21, use a line to indicate the location of the shadow of the “Observer in Buffalo”. On the path labeled March 21 Indicate the location of the Sun at 3PM Draw a line to represent the apparent path of the Sun from sunrise to sunset at Buffalo on May 21.
Earth’s rate of rotation is approximately
(1) 1° per day (3) 180° per day (2) 15° per day (4) 360° per day Earth’s rate of revolution is approximately (1) 1° per day (3) 180° per day (2) 15° per day (4) 360° per day
What is the date of Position B?
The diagram represents an observer in New York. Three paths of the sun are shown. A, B, and C represent the noon position at three different times of the year. What is the date of Position B? March 21 or September 23 How can you tell? Sunrise is due East and sunset is due West.
The diagram represents an observer in New York
The diagram represents an observer in New York. Three paths of the sun are shown. A, B, and C represent the noon position at three different times of the year. What is the date of Position C if the sun is at zenith over the Tropic of Capricorn? December 21
Why does the summer position (A) not reach the zenith?
The diagram represents an observer in New York. Three paths of the sun are shown. A, B, and C represent the noon position at three different times of the year. Why does the summer position (A) not reach the zenith? New York is too far North of the Equator.
Where is the sun ALWAYS located at noon?
The diagram represents an observer in New York. Three paths of the sun are shown. A, B, and C represent the noon position at three different times of the year. Where is the sun ALWAYS located at noon? In the South.
What is the eccentricity of Planet D?
The diagram shows the orbit of planet D around the star Upsilon Andromedae. The first four planets of our solar system are for comparison The distance between the Star and the Second focus of Planet D’s orbit is 3.5 cm, and the length across the Line of major axis of orbits is 11 cm. What is the eccentricity of Planet D? How does the orbit of Planet D compare to the orbits of the planets shown in our solar system? When will planet D move fastest in its orbit? e = .318 When it is closest to the star Planet D has a more elliptical/eccentric orbit
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