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Effective Advocacy Tools for Making the Arts Essential

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Advocacy Tools for Making the Arts Essential"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Advocacy Tools for Making the Arts Essential
John Ceschini-AEMS Alliance Dr. Janet Rubin –Saginaw State University Dr. Fran Meyer, NDA/AAHPERD BOG

2 Ensuring that the Arts are Essential to Education


4 Tips For Advocacy Set the Stage for Advocacy Determine the Issue
Research the issue Build a network Identify targets and tactics Build Coalitions-Maximize resources Develop a message that Resonates

5 Use the Media Communicate with Decision Makers Develop a Written Plan
Tips for Advocacy Use the Media Communicate with Decision Makers Develop a Written Plan

6 Setting the Stage for Advocacy

7 Determine the Issue

8 Research the Issue

9 Building a Network

10 Develop a Message that Resonates

11 Identify Targets and Tactics

12 Using the Media

13 Build A Coalition- Maximize Resources

14 Communicate with Decision -Makers

15 Develop a Written Plan

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