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Welcome to Primary Bienvenue à la maternelle For school year

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary Bienvenue à la maternelle For school year"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary Bienvenue à la maternelle For school year 2018-2019
Friday May 4th, 2018

2 For students September 5th or 6th, 2018 To be confirmed
First Day of School For students September 5th or 6th, 2018 To be confirmed

3 Stock Transportation Eligible bussed students only
Enrolled in French Immersion and home address is 2.4 km or more away from school Call Stock in mid to late August – to obtain your two digit bus number and find out your pick up and drop off times Check HRSB website for bus schedule Check site often for any stock changes particularly in the first couple of weeks of school

4 Stock Transportation Bus rider lists will be provided to every Stock driver so they know which students are assigned to each stop.  This information is pulled from the information you provided during the registrations process. If your information changes, you must let us know and check with Stock for updated bus route information. Consider purchasing a small luggage tag to be attached to your child’s backpack with all important information.

5 HRSB Information School Information Page

6 First Day - Bussing Students take the bus
Parents may follow to meet students here Do not park in the back lot You may park along the curb beside the bus lot - do not block the bus entrance and exits Staff will be at buses to meet students They will ask for your child’s name and then your child will be directed to a specific balloon colour in the school gym – this colour will not necessarily be the same as the balloon colour today Your child’s teacher will be present in the gym holding a coloured balloon ready to greet her class

7 First Day – Entering School
Upon entering the school, parents are asked to look for the chart beside their child’s teacher in the gym Parents are asked to record the morning bus number and afternoon bus number on the chart – two-digit This important information is necessary for a smooth as possible afternoon dismissal Someone must be at the afternoon bus stop to meet your primary student – your child will not be let off the bus if nobody is there to meet them

8 Do not linger It is extremely important that parent’s do not linger outside their child’s classroom This adds to the traffic in the hallways, causes confusion and disrupts settling the children Take a picture of them, wish them good luck, kiss them and say good bye

9 Registration Form During the first week of school a computer generated registration form will be sent home with your child It is very important that you carefully check over this information and send the signed form back to your child’s classroom teacher Please keep us up to date of any address or phone number changes throughout the year

10 Safe Arrival If your child is going to be late or absent from school please call and press 1 – leave a message with your child’s full name and class – please speak clearly so that it is easy to get the information – please state the reason for the absence If you do not call, and your child is absent, you will be called to confirm your child’s whereabouts We do require at least 5 volunteers to run the Safe Arrival Telephone Program

11 Primary Lunch Primary students stay for lunch in their own classroom
Primary students have from 11:40 to 12:10 to eat, they go outside to play from 12:10 to 12:40 We strive to have one lunch monitor in each primary room, sometimes there is one monitor shared between two rooms We do require lunch monitors – it is a paid daily position – please inquire at the office Many parent volunteer on a part time basis – criminal records and child abuse registry checks are a must

12 Recess and Lunch Please send healthy nutritious snacks and lunches
Children are taught not to share snacks and lunches We have several students with food-based life-threatening allergies No nut products are allowed to be brought to school Other food related restrictions will be communicated in the fall depending on the needs of our student population Hot lunch –Pizza once a week $20 for 8 pizzas Ordered in 8-week intervals Must order for the entire 8- week period Milk program – may order for the year cost will be around $70 or two cheques dated for Sept and Feb $35 each

13 Supplies Supply list is provided today
Please keep in mind that your children will go through supplies throughout the year and that they will need to be replenished We have included projected amounts of supplies so that you may take advantage of preschool sales

14 Medical Information Three policies guide medication use at school; Administration of Medication, Life-threatening Allergies, and Severe Medical Conditions We need to be aware of any medical concerns Please be sure to fill out Life Threatening Allergies form or Severe Medical Condition form – forms are available today You are our only source of information, you are responsible for letting us know Must fill out an Administration of Medication form for any type of medication your child must take during school hours Our Learning Centre manages all distribution of medication

15 Medic Alert School We are a Medic Alert school
If you require a form, please contact our secretary or take a form today

16 Communication Teacher is the first line of communication – she or he will communicate in a variety of ways – monthly or weekly messages – – telephone – message bag Any questions or concerns need to be communicated to classroom teachers School information will be communicated in a monthly newsletter – Shark Tales Shark Tales will be distributed electronically to all who provide an address to their child’s teacher – paper copies will go home to all others As well, we try to keep our web site up to date

17 Restorative Approaches
“Restorative Approaches provides philosophy for making, maintaining and repairing relationships and for fostering a sense of social responsibility and shared accountability.” ~ International Institute for Restorative Practices When harm has been caused by inappropriate, sometimes thoughtless, negative behaviour we work hard to give all sides what they need: • a chance to tell their side of the story and feel heard • to understand better how the situation happened • to understand how it can be avoided another time • to feel understood by the others involved • to find a way to move on and feel better about themselves not “just talking”; more collaborative problem solving

18 Caring School Community
The Caring School Community (CSC) is a resource for grades P–6 that builds classroom and school-wide community while developing students’ social and emotional (SEL) skills. CSC work aims to strengthen students’ connection to school. Components of the resource include class meetings, cross-age buddies program, and home-side activities. These components help students develop respect for each other and take ownership for their learning and behavior.

19 Visiting the school All doors are locked
Main doors may be entered by ringing doorbell Always check into the mail office Please sign in and sign out of the school Always sign in or out your children if they are entering or leaving school throughout the day Parents are asked to not wait for children outside of their classroom doors – it adds to congestion and confusion at dismissal times – please wait outside the doors or in the lobby areas

20 This and That School photos – Early fall
Volunteering – Criminal Records check and Child Abuse Register check Potential apple picking trip in fall you will need record checks to chaperone – the trip could not take place two years as we did not have enough chaperones Class lists – Please see newsletter regarding requests for student placement

21 Ways to be involved We invite, welcome, and invite all types of parent involvement at Shannon Park Children are happier at school when they know that the school and their families work together as a team You can help and be a part of: Home and School School Advisory Council Lunch monitor paid or volunteer Safe arrival program Class helper Reading volunteers The opportunities are limitless …

22 Welcome to primary!

23 Our morning routine… Calendar activities Morning message Date
Days of the week Months of the year Weather Counting Seasons Daily news

24 A class helper to help our daily routines run smoothly…

25 Daily singing… A variety of different songs about the seasons, holidays, occasions, etc. Helps to learn new vocabulary, sentence structure and reading skills.

26 Interactive Word Wall or Mur De Mots helps to learn high frequency words

27 Literacy Centers Word study Reading practice Sentence construction
Writing Letter formation practice Word games Listening center Computer Center

28 Guiding Readers and Writers…
Small group of students based on similar needs. Focus on letter/sound recognition, a variety of reading strategies, and communication via written text.

29 Learning is FUN!

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