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What it is and how to do it

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Presentation on theme: "What it is and how to do it"— Presentation transcript:

1 What it is and how to do it
Argument WRiting What it is and how to do it

2 Validating your Article
Should you use this article

3 How to know if an Article is good for Research
Reliable Source Date is updated Professional Website URL = .gov/.edu/.org Reviews Used previously Can’t edit (NO WIKIPEDIA)

4 prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. Bias “5 Reasons trophy hunting is not conservation” One Green Planet “All 8 Women fail Ranger School: Some Rangers say standards should change.” The Christian Science Monitor “Women in Combat: The Question of Standards” Military Review “A Few Good Women” Cosmopolitan “Relationships of Physical Performance Tests to Military-relevant Tasks in Women” Army Medical Journal “Best Way to Save Africa’s Lions? Hunt Them, Some Experts Say” New York Times “Death of Beloved Lion Heats Up Criticism of Big Hunting” National Public Radio

5 Article Activity Final Questions Circle the source
Underline the date Published What is the article about? Put Links in Brackets Is it a good resource for a paper? Why or Why not? Star the Author’s Name Pick a relevant article to use in class

6 Claim – Evidence – Reason (Warrant)
Developing an argument

7 Reason Explain What do the experts say?

8 Claim A statement of Something that is a Fact Claims aren’t Facts, but Claim that something is TRUE Therefore Claims are Debatable Example: “ Our Environment Would benefit from a reduction in Fossil Fuel emissions.” Non-Example: “Christmas is celebrated on December 25th.”

9 Evidence Definition: Facts, figures, details, quotations, or other sources of date and information that provide support for claims or an analysis and that can be evaluated by others. The key is that you can point to it in the text. You can lift it out of the text; you can quote it directly from the text. If you cannot do those things, you don’t have textual evidence.

10 Warrant (Reasons) Definition: The sentence that explains how the evidence supports the claim. Words/Phrases to use in a warrant: Generally Usually Warrants are common sense rules, scientific principles, studies, and thoughtfully argued definitions. As a Rule Studies show/Experts argue The definition of a __________, etc.

11 Why Warrants Matter Two people can have different claims based on the same Evidence
While we work in class, our teacher never answers our questions right away. The definition of a strong teacher is one who helps her students think. Because she never answers my questions right away, I am forced to think more. Therefore, Mrs. DeGuire is a great teacher. While we work in class, our teacher never answers our questions right away. The definition of a strong teacher is one who helps her students learn. Because she never answers my questions right away, I grow confused and give up. Therefore, Mrs. DeGuire is a bad teacher.

12 Claim: This Man is Very Old Evidence: This man has wrinkles and thinning hair.

13 Warrant (Reason): Typically as people get older Their skin gets wrinkled because of damage from the sun. Furthermore, thinning hair happens as people get older.

14 Try it out Based on your experience, how can you tell when someone is lying?  Make a list OF clues THAT may indicate that someone is lying.   

First let's learn what science says about the facial expressions and body language of a liar.  Watch the video and collect clues for discovering liars.  This information helps us to form WARRANTS.  Videos

16 Claim Evidence Warrant She is ____________ing.
Mrs. Everett is lying.  She is ____________ing.  Generally, liars tend to ___________

17 Looking at an article

18 Questions for Article Answer in COMPLETE SEntences
What amendment guarantees citizens the right to “bear arms”? Look it up and write it here. Will people who sell guns on the Internet be required to do background checks on potential buyers? Why? What government group processes background checks now? Does the GOP (Republicans) agree with the president? How did they respond? What was the reason the president invited Gabrielle Giffords and the two young daughters of the late Rev. Clementa Pinckney and asked them to sit on the front row? Were gun sales higher or lower in 2015? To what extent? Who is the NRA and what is their response to the executive action?

19 Claim Evidence Warrant
President Obama would like to create more regulations on the sale of guns. “A key provision of the new initiative would require more gun sellers — especially those who do business on the Internet and at gun shows — to be licensed and therefore to conduct background checks on potential buyers. ” People who sell guns on the Internet will have get a license to do background check on potential buyers.

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