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OSHA 300 Log Template.

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Presentation on theme: "OSHA 300 Log Template."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSHA 300 Log Template

2 Purpose 1.) Create a user-friendly tool 2.) Develop more accurate injury information 3.) Create consistency from company to company

3 Column A – Case Number (pre-filled)
Column B – Employee’s Name Column C – Job Title selected from drop down Column D – Date of Injury

4 Column E – Part 1 – Area of injury selected from drop down Part 2 – Additional descriptive information

5 Column F – Part 1 – Type of injury selected from drop down Part 2 – Additional descriptive information

6 Classify the case– -Death - Days away from work - Job transfer or restricted duty - Other Recordable Select only 1 per case per row. If you select more than one, the offending cells will turn red until they are corrected

7 Column K – Number of days away from work
- No more than 180 days Column L – Number of days transferred or restricted Column K and L should not be collectively more than 180 days. If you enter more than 180 cumulatively for the columns, the offending cells will be turn red until they are corrected

8 Column M – Mark only 1 - Injury - Skin Disorder - Respiratory Condition - Poisoning - Hearing Loss - All Other Illnesses Select only 1 per case per row.

9 The columns will total in the appropriate columns

10 The totals then transfer to the OSHA 300A tab

11 You are on your own for this part!

12 Thank You!

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