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The class teachers in Year 6 will be Miss Kruger and Miss Ogle.

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Presentation on theme: "The class teachers in Year 6 will be Miss Kruger and Miss Ogle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The class teachers in Year 6 will be Miss Kruger and Miss Ogle.
Welcome to Year 6 The class teachers in Year 6 will be Miss Kruger and Miss Ogle.

2 In Year 6 we will be supported by Mrs Cook, Mr Barton-Harvey and Mrs Pickering.

3 In the Mornings The classes line up on the new playground at approximately 8:40 a.m and will meet their class teacher or another member of staff to line up. The lunchboxes will be stored in lockers. Bags will also be stored in lockers.

4 How to contact the teacher
at the entrance in the morning at the entrance in the afternoon go to the office to make an appointment Please Note: sometimes it will be HLTAs who will be there with your children, so please feel free to talk to them as well as they also work very closely with the children. HLTAs cover classes often and make a significant impact to pupil progress

5 Timetable - Topics Autumn Term 1: Epic Evolution

6 Timetable - Topics Autumn term 2 – Mighty Mayans

7 Timetable - Topics Spring Term 1 and 2: I’m at Evacuee, Get Me Out of Here! Summer Term 1 and 2: Extreme Earth

8 Timetable – P.E. The children will usually be taught P.E. on Tuesday and Friday. It would be really useful if your child could have their P.E. kit in school EVERY DAY. Please ensure your child has: A T-Shirt in their School Team Colours - Leopards, Tigers, Lion, Cheetah Dark coloured shorts Outdoor clothing Indoor shoes / Outdoor trainers

9 Attainment and Progress
Symphony On-Track (SOT) SOT has been designed as a 'reduced workload' assessment system.  SOT provides end-of-year descriptors from Pre-Year 1 to Year 6. Teachers assess (to whatever depth they feel appropriate) the extent to which pupils are 'On-Track' to achieve end of year expectations. The descriptors for Year 2 and Year 6 are in line with the government's TAFs (Teacher Assessment Frameworks). Parents will be told through the mid-year reports and end of year reports whether their child is on track to be working towards (WTS) at the expected standard (EXS) or working at greater depth (GDS).

10 Wider Opportunities If your child would like to continue learning their instrument, they will have the opportunity to pay for addition lessons next year. Information about this has already been sent out to you in a letter.

11 Spelling Spelling – This year, all children across the school will be taught spellings within their year group. The children will be given a list of spellings to learn for the year. They should learn these regularly at home. The children will be regularly tested in lessons and tested formally each term.

12 Home – School Diaries The Home School Diary needs to be brought into school daily. It is a form of communication between school and home. Please put any comments you wish to make in this diary. Also, please let me know in this diary if your child is going to be collected by a different adult to normal. We give points to the children if they read and learn their spellings. Please record in their Home School Diary each time they Read and Practise Spellings in order for your child to receive their points! Thank you.

13 Strawberry Jam and Lemon Curd
Strawberry Jam and Lemon Curd are mathematical sheets that Mr Smythe has produced in order for children to achieve instant recall of number bonds and times tables. The sheets include Strawberry Jam now includes division as well as multiplication. The children will work through the sheets in school and will move on to the next one once they can complete it in the time given. The sheets will be available on the internet to practise at home. We have now created Chocolate Spread which includes calculations fractions, decimals and percentages.

14 Compulsory Homework The children will typically receive one piece of maths and one piece of English homework per week. The homework will be set on a Friday and must be returned completed by the following Thursday. Ongoing spelling list or homework activity. Please try to read with your child for 15 minutes per evening and record this in their home school diary.

15 Optional Homework Strawberry Jam, Lemon Curd and Chocolate Spread worksheets Creative Homework linked to topic. More information will follow shortly.

16 SATs This year, your child will sit their SATs in May (week commencing 13th May 2019) These are statutory assessment tests set by the Standards and Testing Agency. The children will be tested in reading, maths and GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling). Writing is teacher assessed and often moderated. The children will also receive teacher assessments in all core subjects. Children will be assessed as working towards the Expected Standard, working at the Expected Standard or working at Greater Depth within the expect standard.

17 Relationships Education – Year 6
In PSHE lessons, we will be covering the following themes this year: We will be covering relationships education as part of Sex and Relationships Education, My Emotions, Managing Risk and Family and Friends.

18 Children take responsibility for the ‘choices’ they make
Please check with the school if you are unsure about what your child tells you when they come home. Please try to trust our judgements and understand that all children can get it wrong sometimes. We encourage the children to take responsibility for the ‘choices’ they make and follow the rainbow rules at all times.

19 support team work hard work challenge progress fun independence
Finally We will have a year of: support team work hard work challenge progress fun independence happiness

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