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1.2 Key Concepts and Walkthroughs

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1 1.2 Key Concepts and Walkthroughs
.NET and .NET Core 1.2 Key Concepts and Walkthroughs Pan Wuming 2017

2 Higher Abstraction and Multi-Paradigms
Language Integration (Language independence) us/dotnet/standard/language- independence .NET Core .NET Standard Common Type System (CTS)

3 .NET Runtimes Walkthroughs Signing a strong named assembly
Common Language Runtime (CLR) Assembly Metadata IL Strong-Named Assembly Global Assembly Cache Implicit Resource Management Generations (GC) Weak References(GC) resurrection(GC)

4 .NET for Data Science and AI
Functional Programming Currying

5 4. Dividing Computing with Pattern Matching in F#
Cons Pattern Walkthroughs Recursive function and pattern matching

6 5 Types: OO of .NET .NET Class types Class Members Indexers
Type constructor Arguments passed by reference to a method GetType method of object and Reflection Boxing and Unboxing Anonymous Types Nullable types Interning of Strings Immutable of string Bit Flags jagged array

7 6 Delegate and Lambda Expressions
Extension Methods Delegates Generic to Simplify Delegate Declaration Covariance and Contravariance Lambda Expressions Walkthroughs Generic delegates

8 7. XAML XAML UWP Apps WPF Styles and Templates

9 8. WPF Hierarchy, Graphics and Animation
Dispatcher Dependency property Tree of visuals Brush Drawing Property Animation System Shape Walkthroughs Mouse operation, object motion and animation

10 9. Towards Higher Order LINQ yield return

11 10. Enabling Contracts Defining Custom Attributes
Retrieving Attribute Values

12 11 Mobile Apps and Azure Cloud
Clouds MVC Web API Walkthroughs Mobile app and its backend

13 12 Asynchronous Programming
Task-based Asynchronous Pattern Task

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