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Magenta Principles by Mike Hughes

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Presentation on theme: "Magenta Principles by Mike Hughes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magenta Principles by Mike Hughes
Irrespective of differences in age, ability and subject, one general principle holds true: in order to make sense of information you must do more than simply receive and reproduce it – you have to do something with it. (Mike Hughes) Learning is the consequence of thinking…therefore our job is to get them to think Language is central to thinking…therefore our job is to get them to talk Learning is an active process…therefore our job is to get them doing

2 What colours do you mix to make magenta?
Example of deconstruct

3 Deconstruct these images

4 Deconstruct Deconstruct it:
When presented with a completed picture of information, students need to pull it apart to find out how it got put together in the first place. Deconstructing the different parts helps students see the process clearer. Searching for the ‘How’. (Pulling it apart, Finding the process) Deconstruct it: 1) Big picture pulled apart into smaller parts. 2) Breaking down information into smaller chunks. Highlighting example exam answers. 3) Finding how it was put together. 4) Looking at the process rather than the end product. 5) Finding the language techniques rather than the content of the written piece.

5 Model A grade answers 1)Deconstruct evaluation/analysis answers
2)Take apart the exam question 3)Text attack (with a highlighter)

6 Response Partners Paired or partnership oral marking.
Pupils invite a partner or a group to discuss or comment on their work. For it be effective, students should be aware of learning objectives and success criteria. They should also appreciate the role of a response partner- to offer positive and constructive feedback around the learning goals. Students could be given prompt questions to ask the person who has done the work.

7 Compare and Contrast Separating what is the same and what is different in information. Dissecting information into three categories using the Venn diagram helps students to make sense of what they are seeing in front of them. (Analysing, Evaluating) Compare and Contrast it: 1)Using two poems and analysing the techniques used. 2)Comparing and contrasting the outcomes of an experiment. Venn Diagrams 3)Testing out a hypothesis through analysis. 4)Putting two pieces of information side by side.



10 Using the Venn diagram Compare and Contrast in 1 minute the pictures below


12 Connectives and phrases
Compare In the same way… Similarly… Compared with… Likewise…. Contrast Whereas…. Alternatively… …more/less than…. Instead of…..

13 Judge and Jury

14 Discuss how this could be implemented in your curriculum area- 10 Minutes!
Feedback to the group!

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