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Responsibilities and Procedures

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1 Responsibilities and Procedures
“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectations.” —Charles F. Kettering

2 Students Are the Focus Success Is the Goal
& Knowledge I Can Statements: The Important Information to Learn in Each Class. School Goals: Feel safe at school Learn and succeed at high levels Show respect to others and to school facilities Have fun in a responsible way

3 What are my responsibilities as your teacher?
to treat you with respect to provide a safe and orderly environment to provide necessary discipline to provide appropriate motivation to teach you essential information to help you succeed

4 What are your responsibilities as my student?
to treat me, others, and the classroom with respect to attend class regularly to be cooperative and obedient to give your very best effort to learn essential information and succeed

5 Class Rules:

6 1. Be prompt—be in your seat working on your Mustang Minute when the bell rings.

7 2.Be prepared—come to class with pencil or pen, paper, reading book, homework and your brain.

8 3.Treat each other, the teacher and the classroom with respect.

9 4. Be engaged and invested in your learning—Listen, think and acknowledge the teacher or others when they are talking.

10 5. Be courteous—raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on.

11 Materials Needed: You are to be prepared each day with your writers notebook, English folder, reading book, pencils, pens, and paper.

12 Procedures:

13 Behavior When Entering the Class:
Collect all needed materials, binder, textbooks, etc. Sharpen pencil, if necessary. (Not when teacher is talking.) Sit in your assigned seat. You may visit until the bell rings. When the bell rings, quit talking and wait for instructions or work on your bell work. Don’t come into the classroom until teacher is in the room.

14 Behavior When Leaving the Class:
The bell doesn’t give you an excuse to bolt and run from the room. The teacher excuses you, not the bell.

15 Requesting a Drink of Water:
If you need a drink, take care of it before you come to class. Water bottles are fine as long as they don’t become a distraction. Also, the water must be colorless and flavorless, so it doesn’t ruin the carpet if it spills.

16 Requesting Permission to Use the Restroom:
You have five minutes between classes. That is usually sufficient to take care of most needs. If you have a medical problem requiring special privileges, bring a note from a parent or doctor. Never ask to be excused during a test or class discussion, unless you have an extreme emergency. Otherwise be prepared to explain what your emergency is. Other then special conditions, you may have only one Restroom Permit during each term. It is worth 10 points extra credit at the end of term if you don’t use it.

17 What to Do If You Feel Sick:
If you are extremely ill and feel like you may throw up, grab a garbage can, and go to the bathroom immediately. Otherwise, be prepared to explain what the problem is and what you want me to do.

18 Class Policy on Gum: Gum is tolerated as long as I don’t see it or hear it. If this policy starts to become a problem, I will not permit any gum. It only takes one person to ruin it for everyone.

19 Procedure for Throwing Away Garbage:
If you really need to throw something away, ask permission. Don’t just stand up in the middle of class and throw something away. Do not throw garbage at the can.

20 Grading: Assignments………………………...........35%
Learning Targets…………………… % Professionalism % Attendance Behavior Preparation/Participation

21 Class Policy on Tardiness:
You are tardy to class if you are not completely inside the classroom and in your seat before the bell begins to ring. If you come to class tardy, you must sign the tardy log by the pencil sharpener. If you come to class tardy once, I will talk with you. If you come to class tardy two times, your parents will be contacted. If you are tardy three or more times, you will attend tardy intervention during your lunch time until all of your tardies are made up. You lose professionalism points when you are tardy.

22 Class Policy for Making Up Work Missed While Absent:
Check our class website at, or check the assignment calendar. It will be updated from week to week. Make up the work within a week of your return to school. If you know that you are going to be absent from school beforehand, get your assignments from your teacher and return the work completed within the time frame your teacher gives you.

23 Class Policy for Making Up Late Work:
Late work will be accepted, but you will lose 20% of the points possible off of your assignment. Each student will receive one Homework Extension Permit a term. This will give the students one more day to finish an assignment if they need more time. The homework extension permit must be filled out and stapled to the assignment that is late. You can re-do assignments only if you fully completed the assignment when it was due.

24 Using the Telephone: You must have a real emergency to be issued a phone pass during class. No cell phones. Cell phones will be taken to the office if they are seen or heard. It doesn’t matter if your cell phone goes off five minutes before class gets out.

25 Reading Book Policy: You are expected to always have a reading book with you every day, so you have something to do when you get done with your assignments. Having a book every day is part of your professionalism grade. E-Readers (Kindles, Nook Tablets, etc.) are okay to use as long as you are reading and not playing games.

26 Appearance of Homework, Assignments:
Make sure that your first and last name, date, and class period are on every assignment. All work must be written on college rule paper. Keep your paper free of scribbles or unnecessary marks. If your assignments are sloppy your will have to re-do it or you will lose points.

27 Student Areas and Teacher Areas:
The teacher desk, computer, and phone areas are off limits to students unless you have permission to be there from your teacher. Do not take any of the books from the book shelves out of the classroom unless you have teacher permission. You may use the tissue, pencil sharpener, tape, and staplers as long as you don’t abuse the privilege.

28 Good Job Board: If I notice that you did something great (completing your homework, turning in your homework on time, being kind, cleaning up after yourself, etc) I will give you a dry erase marker to put your name on the good job board. You will choose one number/box to put your name on. When the board is full, we will have a drawing. If I call your number, you get a prize. It’s possible to get your name on the board multiple times which improves your chances of winning. Please don’t ask me to let you put your name on the board. If I draw your number and you are not present in class, you will get your prize when you return. When we have a drawing, we erase the board and start over.

29 How do you keep privileges?
Good Faith No Tolerance

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