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Challenges & Opportunities

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1 Challenges & Opportunities
Agriculture in India Challenges & Opportunities

2 Despite high Employment ratio, low income
Overview Infant morality rates in lower-middle-income countries are eight times higher than those of high income countries Share of Agriculture and Allied Sector in Employment and GDP Green Revolution Era (Food Grain Centric) Horticulture and Livestock segments driving growth now High tonnage, low yield Avg land Holdings 86.5% < 2 ha Avg monthly Income ` 6400 For every 1000 individuals Lower middle income countries have 2.3 hospital beds against 5.9 in high income countries Source: Ministry of Agriculture Report Despite high Employment ratio, low income

3 Agriculture Supply Chain in India
Only 17% of population are covered by Insurance <1% of hospitals are accredited 39 million people fall below poverty line due to high healthcare expense Source: National Institute of Agricultural Extension management report Large number of middlemen capturing value, huge inefficiency

4 Challenges at all stages of agriculture in India
Challenges in Agriculture Land Credit & Insurance Water Soil & Fertilizer Seed Yield Equipment Transportation & Storage Middlemen Profitability Challenges at all stages of agriculture in India

5 > 250 Start-ups in Agriculture Sector. More Opportunities
Agri Startups Credit Water Soil Yield Equipment Middlemen Profitability Seed Transport/ Storage > 250 Start-ups in Agriculture Sector. More Opportunities

6 Agriculture sector still needs more impact investors
In 6 years from 2008 to 2014, for a total of over 1 Billion US$. 13.6% of funding in to Social Enterprise Market size of agriculture in India is estimated to be between $200 billion to $370 billion In 2016, 53 Indian agri-tech start-ups raised $313 million in funding Agriculture sector still needs more impact investors

7 Thank You

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