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Biodiversity: At Risk and The Future

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1 Biodiversity: At Risk and The Future
Unit 4: The Biosphere

2 Mass Extinctions The last ones was 65 million years ago
Rate of extinction has increased 50x since 1800; by % of all species on earth since then Those at risk: Small populations Migratory populations That need large an/or specialized habitats Exploited by humans Takes millions of years to rebound

3 To what Extent Do Humans Play a Role?
Habitat Loss/Fragmentation (review) Invasive species – an introduced species not native to a particular region Compete for resources; prey on organisms that have no defense Excessive harvesting, hunting, and poaching (illegal) Pollution – pesticides (DDT), cleaning agents, drugs, etc. are making their way into ecosystems Florida Panther – population was down to 100 individuals in 2003! Was actually onced used in traditional Chinese medicine, but today more a symbol for wealth and status


5 Areas of Critical Biodiversity
All of these areas have a large number of endemic species (only found there) Rain forests – many unknown species as well! Coral reefs – majority of biodiversity in the ocean; why? Islands – Australia! (name one) Three biodiversity hotspots in the U.S. California Floristic Province, The Everglades, and Hawaii 3500 plant species; 2000 of which are endemic, and 600 of which are threatened or endangered!


7 So What Are We Doing About It?
Last resorts: Captive-breeding programs Gene banks Zoos, aquariums, parks, and gardens (botanical) Protecting and rebuilding ecosystems/habitats over species Wetland banking Legislation – power of the individual! U.S. Endangered Species Act, CITES treaty, Earth Summit, private efforts ($$$)

8 Concept Mapping Aka how to study for a test!


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