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What do tutors mean when they say “check your work’’?

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Presentation on theme: "What do tutors mean when they say “check your work’’?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Os ydych am gael eich cymryd o ddifrif, cofiwch brawfddarllen eich gwaith

2 What do tutors mean when they say “check your work’’?
Beth mae tiwtoriaid yn ei olygu pan fyddant yn dweud “gwiriwch eich gwaith”? What do tutors mean when they say “check your work’’? Prawfddarllen Gwiriwch a ydych wedi: Camsillafu Gadael geiriau allan Camatalnodi Defnyddio priflythrennau’n briodol Proofreading Check your : Spelling mistakes Missing words Punctuation Capitalisation

3 What do tutors mean when they say “check your work’’?
Beth mae tiwtoriaid yn ei olygu pan fyddant yn dweud “gwiriwch eich gwaith”? What do tutors mean when they say “check your work’’? Golygu Gwiriwch eich: Arddull Eglurder Rhesymeg Trefn Editing Check your : Style Clarity Logic Organisation

4 Pam bod edrych dros eich gwaith yn bwysig?
Why check your work? Mi allet fod wedi cael rhagoriaeth am y gwaith yma, ond mae gofyn i ti fodloni’r meini prawf a phrawfddarllen dy waith i wneud yn siŵr dy fod wedi ymdrin â phopeth – a bod y brawddegau’n gwneud synnwyr a’r sillafu’n gywir. This has the potential to be of distinction standard, but you need to follow the criteria and proofread to make sure you have covered everything - and that sentences make sense, with no spelling mistakes. Dwi’n gwybod ☹ . Mi wnes i ei adael o tan y munud olaf . Ro’n i’n meddwl mod i wedi gwneud pob dim, ond ches i ddim amser i edrych drosto’n iawn. Mae’n debyg mod i wedi gwneud camgymeriadau gwirion. I know ☹ . I left it till last minute . I thought I had done everything but just didn’t have time to look over it properly and probably made silly mistakes.

5 Mae ysgrifennu’n ffordd o gyfathrebu
Writing is a form of communication. Peidiwch â gadael i fân gamgymeriadau dynnu sylw’ch darllenydd a’i ffwndro – bydd hynny’n lladd ei awydd i ddal ati i ddarllen. Dangoswch eich sgiliau cyfathrebu gorau drwy fynegi’ch hun yn glir a chryno – gan wneud cyn lleied o gamgymeriadau â phosib. Gwallau cyffredin: Weithiau, bydd awduron a darllenwyr yn dychmygu geiriau sydd ddim dudalen ond sydd yn eu meddyliau a ddim wedi’u teipio. (Wnaethoch chi sylwi ar hynna?) Weithiau, fyddwn ni ddim yn sylwi ar eiriau sydd wedi’u hargraffu ddwywaith yn yn enwedig os byddant ar ddiwedd neu ar ddechrau llinellau olynol. (Wnaethoch chi sylwi ar hynna?) Don’t let your reader become distracted and confused by little mistakes - they will lose the will to carry on reading. Show off your best communicating skills by being clear about what you are saying - with minimum errors. Common errors: Sometimes, writers and readers will think words are printed on page but are really the mind and were not typed. (Did you notice it?) Sometimes, we will miss words that are printed twice, particularly at at the end and beginning of successive lines.(Did you notice it?)

6 When they didn’t proofread……..
Chafodd y rhain mo’u prawfddarllen When they didn’t proofread……..

7 Y Cam Nesaf / The Next Step
Os hoffech wybod rhagor, cysylltwch â’ch Canolfan Ddysgu i drefnu cymorth pellach efo’ch sgiliau astudio. If you want to learn more, contact your Learning Centre to arrange further study skills support.

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