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PSAT/SAT Information Night

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Presentation on theme: "PSAT/SAT Information Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 PSAT/SAT Information Night
Hosted by Dr. Barbara Morse and Mrs. Emily Bell February 5, 2018

2 Test Dates SAT School Day Administration:
SATSD Primary Test Date: April 10, 2018 PSAT 10 Administration: PSAT 10 Primary Test Date: April 10, 2018

3 Overview Old vs New PSAT/SAT
Pre-Administration - Survey & Four free college reports Preparing for the test - Khan Academy Test Day - Do’s and Don’ts Accommodations - College Board and State Extended time will be given over two days

4 Test Content and Structure
PSAT10/SAT Test Content and Structure

5 Change in Scoring and Content
No Penalty for Guessing: Scoring is straightforward—you just get points on the questions you answer correctly. Everyday Words: The SAT tests the words students will encounter after high school. Essential Math: The SAT tests the math students need to know no matter what major or career

6 SAT Comparison

7 Time schedule for test


9 Scoring

10 Other uses for test results
AP Potential Curriculum Response to Intervention Placement

11 What do to and why it is important
Pre-Administration What do to and why it is important

12 Pre-administration forms
Pre-administration forms will be completed in English classes Students should have four college codes ready for the form -free for test but will cost $12 after nine days past test date. Students are automatically registered for the test

13 Khan Academy Test Preparation

14 Prepare Your Students Full Length Practice Tests
Eight official practice tests, plus study and test-taking tips Video Lessons Easy-to-follow videos explain problems step-by-step Interactive Problems & Instant Feedback Get hints, explanations and constant progress updates to know where you stand Daily Practice App More practice available on your phone featuring questions of the day Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy

15 Practice is the new Prep
Students who practiced 20 hours with Khan Academy saw their scores go up an average of 115 points from the PSAT/NMSQT to the SAT.

16 Do’s and Don’ts for Students
Test Day Do’s and Don’ts for Students

17 What to bring to the test
Two No. 2 pencils with erasers An approved calculator (graphing or scientific. Four functions are allowed but not recommended) Snacks for breaks (must be stored away from the test area) Epinephrine auto-injectors (e.g., EpiPens) are permitted without the need for accommodations. Contact our SSD Coordinator for information.

18 What NOT bring to the test
Any devices, including smartwatches, that can be used to record, transmit, receive or play back audio, photographic, text, or video content Protractors, compasses, rulers Highlighters, colored pens, colored pencils Pamphlets or papers of any kind Dictionaries or other books—there are no exceptions, even if English is not your first language

19 Electronic Device Policy
To ensure that no one gets an unfair advantage on test day, test staff are required to collect and hold cell phones and other prohibited electronic devices during the test administration. Students may not use or access the device until testing is complete. Prohibited devices must be turned off and collected. Whenever possible, students should leave these devices in their locker. If a student’s device makes noise or if the student is seen using it at any time before testing is complete, including during breaks, it is grounds for immediate dismissal and score cancellation. The device may be confiscated and students asked to display content. Failure to demonstrate that the device has not been used to cheat could result in nullification of test scores.

20 Accommodations and Supports

21 Accommodations & Supports
Supports Available to all Students Repeat directions Time remaining notifications Calculator for w-calculator sections Translated test directions Word-to-word glossaries Standard Test Format Accommodations Extended Time Additional Breaks Modified settings Reader Scribe Large block answer sheet Permission for meds, food, drinks Alternate Test Formats Accommodations Braille Large Print MP3 Assistive Technology State Allowed* *These are non-college reportable scores. Colleges will not accept scores of tests administered with these accommodations.

22 Accommodations The process for ensuring students receive accommodations for the PSAT 10 and the SATSD is different from all other state assessments. For PSAT10/SAT tests, all accommodations must be requested and approved by using the College Board SSD Online Portal.   There are two types of accommodations: College Board and State

23 College Board Accommodations
The majority of students with a current Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan will have those same accommodations automatically approved. Approvals are valid for four years. Any new requests need to be made by February 18th to SSD Coordinator, Kathie DeLuca at Contact your child’s case manager first. Parent consent forms to share student information with the College Board is required before requests can be submitted.

24 College Board Accommodations
Students with approved College Board accommodations will receive college reportable scores. Once approved for accommodations, with limited exceptions, a student remains approved for all College Board tests. Examples included extended time, breaks as needed, extra breaks, extended breaks, scribe, reader, large print, assistive technology, and more. These must be documented in a student’s IEP and used regularly. Accommodations cannot be created in an IEP solely for the use on PSAT or SAT

25 State Accommodations These are accommodations that RIDE feels are important for any student who requires them; however, scores will not be accepted by higher education institutions for admissions or scholarship purposes. Students, schools, and the state will still receive scores Scores will be used by RIDE for accountability purposes. These accommodations apply to the April 2018 administration of PSAT 10 and SATSD only and must be requested for each administration.

26 State Accommodations Currently, state accommodations include only the Sign Language interpretation of questions and answers, and student Sign Language response to questions.

27 Medical Exemptions Due Dates: June 1, 2018: Criteria:
Definition of Medical Emergency: An incident involving a medical condition, injury, or crisis requiring hospitalization, clinical care, or treatment in response to the incident. Typically, a medical emergency prevents the student from receiving instruction and from participating in assessment for the remainder of the testing window Cannot receive instruction Cannot participate in testing even with accommodations. Medical Exemptions

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