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From Gene to Protein How Genes Work.

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Presentation on theme: "From Gene to Protein How Genes Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Gene to Protein How Genes Work

2 Typical eukaryotic animal cell
Where are proteins made? Where is DNA?

3 aa From gene to protein- The “Central Dogma” of biology “Flow of genetic information in a cell” nucleus cytoplasm transcription translation DNA mRNA protein ribosome trait

4 DNA RNA RNA-ribonucleic acid ribose sugar instead of deoxyribose
Nitrogenous-bases uracil instead of thymine U : A C : G single stranded RNA leave the nucleus lots of different RNAs mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA transcription DNA RNA

5 Transcription Occurs in the: Converts DNA to m-RNA (messenger)
Nucleus of eukaryotic cell Cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells Converts DNA to m-RNA (messenger) Occurs when cells need ___________ DNA can’t leave the nucleus Must get the genetic code to a ribosome in the cytoplasm where proteins are made Read

6 Transcription build RNA 53 Making mRNA from DNA
Transcription Making mRNA from DNA RNA polymerase will unzip DNA and form a transcription bubble transcribed DNA strand = template strand Un-transcribed DNA strand = coding strand same sequence as RNA enzyme RNA polymerase adds one complimentary nucleotide at a time until the end of the gene is reached Transcribes in a 5’ to 3’ direction coding strand 3 A G C A T C G T 5 A G A A A G T C T T C T C A T A C G DNA T 3 C G T A A T 5 G G C A U C G U T 3 C unwinding G T A G C A rewinding mRNA RNA polymerase template strand build RNA 53 5

7 Compare DNA and RNA DNA RNA

8 Transcription practice
Transcribe the following DNA templates

9 When cells transcribe DNA into a mRNA molecule there is a problem.
Warm-up When cells transcribe DNA into a mRNA molecule there is a problem. Is this mRNA molecule ready to be translated at the ribosome? What do you think the problem is?

10 Eukaryotic genes have INTRONS-junk!
Eukaryotic genes are not continuous exons = the real gene expressed / coding DNA introns = the junk In-between sequence introns come out! intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence eukaryotic DNA exon = coding (expressed) sequence

11 Removing the INTRONS! Forms a spliced mRNA with NO introns
mRNA splicing: Process of removing introns from pre-RNA Occurs after transcription Forms a spliced mRNA with NO introns Exons only intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence eukaryotic RNA is about 10% of eukaryotic gene. ~10,000 bases eukaryotic DNA exon = coding (expressed) sequence transcription pre-mRNA After splicing- no introns ~1,000 bases spliced mRNA

12 RNA splicing enzymes Spliceosome Enzyme made of several snRNPs
recognize splice site sequence on pre-mRNA cut & paste removes introns Forms spliced mRNA transcript snRNPs exon intron snRNA 5' 3' spliceosome exon excised intron 5' 3' lariat mature mRNA intron No, not smurfs! “snurps”

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