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Chapter Lessons Create shape-tweened animations Create a mask effect

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2 Chapter Lessons Create shape-tweened animations Create a mask effect
OVERVIEW Chapter Lessons Create shape-tweened animations Create a mask effect Add sound Add scenes Create an animated navigation bar Creating Special Effects

3 INTRODUCTION Special Effects Special effects can add variety and interest to a movie Morphing Changing one shape into another Spotlight Highlighting an area, or revealing part of the stage Creating Special Effects

4 Special Effects Sound Effects Animated Navigation Bar
INTRODUCTION Special Effects Sound Effects Animated Navigation Bar Causes a drop down menu when the user rolls over a button Creating Special Effects

5 Creating Shape Tween Animations
LESSON 1 Creating Shape Tween Animations Greater control over shape transformations than with motion tweening Can shift initial object’s shape into any form you desire Can also change other properties of color, location, and size Creating Special Effects

6 Morphing Effects Changing one object into another unrelated object
LESSON 1 Morphing Effects Changing one object into another unrelated object Requires only two keyframes The number of frames between keyframes determines how quickly the morphing takes place Creating Special Effects

7 Shape Tweening Can be applied only to editable graphics
LESSON 1 Shape Tweening Can be applied only to editable graphics To apply to instances, groups, text blocks or bitmaps, use “Break Apart” A “Broken Apart” instance is no longer linked to its symbol You can shape tween more than one object at a time as long as all objects are on the same layer Creating Special Effects

8 LESSON 1 Shape Tweening Shape tween an object in a straight line; rotating option unavailable Use the Properties inspector to set acceleration and deceleration Shape hints used to control more complex shape changes Creating Special Effects

9 Properties Panel Options
LESSON 1 Properties Panel Options Ease Adjust the rate of change between frames to create a more natural appearance Between -1 and -100 will begin the tween gradually and accelerate Between 1 and 100, begin the tween rapidly and then decelerate Creating Special Effects

10 Properties Panel Options
LESSON 1 Properties Panel Options Blend Distributive for smoother, irregular shapes Angular preserves corners and straight lines Flash defaults to Distributive option Creating Special Effects

11 Properties Panel Options
LESSON 1 Properties Panel Options Creating Special Effects

12 Shape Hints Control a shape’s transition appearance during animation
LESSON 1 Shape Hints Control a shape’s transition appearance during animation Hints specified at the beginning and end of an animation correspond with one another Hint suggests how the object should morph Creating Special Effects

13 LESSON 1 Shape Hints Creating Special Effects

14 LESSON 2 Create a Mask Effect A mask layer allows you to cover up objects on another layer(s), and create a window through which you can view various objects on the other layer Moving the window around can give you a spotlight effect Creating Special Effects

15 Understanding Mask Layers
LESSON 2 Understanding Mask Layers You need at least two layers Mask layer contains the window object through which you view objects on the layer below The masked layer is the second layer which contains the objects that are viewed through the window Creating Special Effects

16 LESSON 2 The Masking Process Select masked layer containing objects to be revealed Create new “Mask” layer above Draw a filled shape Flash ignores bitmaps, gradients, transparencies Use Layer Properties Dialog box to declare new layer a mask Creating Special Effects

17 The Masking Process Lock both layers
LESSON 2 The Masking Process Lock both layers Mask additional layers by dragging layers beneath the mask layer To unmask a layer, drag it above the mask layer, or select and declare it normal through Layer Properties Creating Special Effects

18 LESSON 2 Creating Special Effects

19 Add Sound Sound adds impact to Flash movies Quick process
LESSON 3 Add Sound Sound adds impact to Flash movies Quick process Import the sound file into the Library Create a new layer Select the desired frame and drag the sound symbol onto the stage Multiple sounds may go on each layer Creating Special Effects

20 Sound Formats Flash supports WAV (Windows Only) AIFF (Macintosh Only)
LESSON 3 Sound Formats Flash supports WAV (Windows Only) AIFF (Macintosh Only) MP3(Windows and Macintosh) With QuickTime 4, Flash accepts add’l sound formats Creating Special Effects

21 LESSON 3 Managing Sound The Properties inspector allows you to synchronize sound and add basic effects like fades Preview sounds in the Library Creating Special Effects

22 Adding Sound to Buttons
LESSON 3 Adding Sound to Buttons Open the Button Symbol Create a sound layer and insert a keyframe in the down frame Drag a sound from the Library Creating Special Effects

23 LESSON 4 Working with Scenes As your timelines grow, scenes help manage the Flash movie To add a Scene, choose Insert >Scene, or use the Scene command from the Modify menu Creating Special Effects

24 The Scene Panel Scene Panel allows you to manage and name your scenes
LESSON 4 The Scene Panel Scene Panel allows you to manage and name your scenes Rename a scene Duplicate a scene Add a scene Delete a scene Reorder scenes Creating Special Effects

25 Working with Scenes New scenes can be created with new content
LESSON 4 Working with Scenes New scenes can be created with new content Split existing content into multiple scenes by copying and pasting frames from one scene’s timeline to another Creating Special Effects

26 Adding Interactivity to Scenes
LESSON 4 Adding Interactivity to Scenes By default, Flash plays scenes in order Buttons can cause a movie to jump from one scene to another Frame scripts can cause a movie to jump from one scene to another Creating Special Effects

27 Adding Interactivity to Scenes
LESSON 4 Adding Interactivity to Scenes Creating Special Effects

28 Create an Animated Navigation Bar
LESSON 5 Create an Animated Navigation Bar Provides user with many options without cluttering the screen Allows the user to go quickly to another location without navigation Provides consistency in function and appearance Creating Special Effects

29 Create an Animated Navigation Bar
LESSON 5 Create an Animated Navigation Bar The Process Create a navigation bar Position the drop-down buttons Add the animated mask Assign actions to the drop down buttons Assign a rollover action to the Navigation bar button Create an invisible button Creating Special Effects

30 Using Frame Labels Frame labels can be used in ActionScript code
LESSON 5 Using Frame Labels Frame labels can be used in ActionScript code Assign a label to a frame as an identifier If you insert frames into the timeline, the label adjusts to the frames The descriptive labels help you identify frames Creating Special Effects

31 Chapter 5 Tasks Create shape-tweened animation Create a mask effect
SUMMARY Chapter 5 Tasks Create shape-tweened animation Create a mask effect Add sound Add scenes Create a slide show presentation Creating Special Effects

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