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Estimation of Carbon Fluxes for the South Asian Region using Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter(MLEF) Some Basic Results K. M. P. Perera Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Estimation of Carbon Fluxes for the South Asian Region using Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter(MLEF) Some Basic Results K. M. P. Perera Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimation of Carbon Fluxes for the South Asian Region using Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter(MLEF) Some Basic Results K. M. P. Perera Department of Statistics University of Sri Jayewardenepura Sri Lanka 5th International Conference on “Earth Science & Climate Change” July 25-27, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand

2 Overview Background Methods used to assimilate carbon data Objectives
Pseudodata experiment Results Ongoing and Future works References Acknowledgements

3 Background Climate change is a critical environmental issue closely
linked with the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. CO2 plays the main role in greenhouse effect.

4 Figure 1: Atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory

5 During the past two decades,
greenhouse gas emissions from Asian countries have been increased rapidly mainly due to industrialization population growth It is more important to estimate the CO2 fluxes with high precision for the Asian region. CONTRAIL (Comprehensive Observation Network for Trace gases by Airliner) aircraft measurements are now available – covers the South Asian region. Data Assimilation method is going to be used to estimate CO2 fluxes.

6 Methods used to assimilate Carbon Data
Batch mode inversion Variational data assimilation Ensemble method New ensemble method - MLEF

7 Objective To estimate carbon fluxes more precisely using MLEF for the globe with newly available South Asian measurements. Modified the MLEF algorithm to assimilate CONTRAIL (Comprehensive Observation Network for Trace gases by Airliner) aircraft data other than the existing flasks and continuous measurements. Carried out a pesudodata experiment on the global domain to test the performance of MLEF on assimilating CONTRAIL and exiting data.

8 Method: MLEF (Zupanski M., 2005)
we optimize (minimize) cost function using MLEF Assimilation scheme Where y = vector of observations H = observation operator (PCTM) β = vector of unknowns (state vector) βb = prior (background) estimate R = observation error covariance matrix Pf = prior (forecast) error covariance matrix

9 Log of the posterior distribution
MLEF (contd..) In statistical point of view, we optimize (maximize) posteriori distribution = - log P(β) Log of the prior distribution = - log P(y│β) Log of the likelihood = - log P(β│y) Log of the posterior distribution Optimal solution : Mode of the posterior distribution

10 CO2 fluxes on the Earth’s surface CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere
Transport Model Transport model CO2 fluxes on the Earth’s surface CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere Observation operator : PCTM (Parametrerized Chemistry Transport Model) (Kawa et al., 2004)

11 Estimate the gridded surface carbon fluxes
Ensemble based data assimilation system: MLEF (The inversion procedure developed) + PCTM (Parameterized Cemistry Transport Model) (Lokupitiya et al., 2008) Estimate the gridded surface carbon fluxes CO2 observations (Flasks,in-situ continuous data and CONTRAIL aircraft data) Background information

12 Observation Network Figure 2: Flask and continuous stations
Open circles - continuous measurement sites Crosses flask-sampling locations (NOAA-ESRL network)

13 Figure 3: CME flight tracks for year 2006

14 Pesudodata Experiment

15 Fluxes are in 2.50 (lon) × 20(lat)
Ocean fluxes (monthly) Takahashi monthly values interpolated to model time Fossil fuel emissions interpolated to the year SiB3 model land fluxes (hourly) Mathematical representation of the Variations of the surface fluxes where NEE = Net Ecosystem Exchange RESP = Ecosystem respiration GPP = Gross Primary Production Ocean = Air-sea gas exchange of CO FF = Emissions due to fossil fuel combustion x, y = Spatial coordinates and t = time ’s = Multiplicative biases of the grid-scale component fluxes Solve for biases in 100 (lon) × 60(lat) resolution

16 First assimilation cycle (“cold start”) –
Artificially generated CO2 observations (pseudo observations) were sampled at observation locations by running the PCTM forward for a year after three year spin-up ( ). (ii) Simulated CO2 at the observation sites using data assimilation with a 4 week moving window First assimilation cycle (“cold start”) – first guess (unbiased case was assumed) Priors: β = 0 (unbiased case), σNEE = 0.2, σOcean = 0.1 perturbed background vectors (ensemble members) Compute the hourly CO2 fluxes and run through the transport model for 4- weeks to get simulated CO2 at the observation sites

17 (iv) End of the cycle, 3-D CO2 field was saved (used to start
(III) The optimized biases were obtained by minimizing the distance between the simulated and observed CO2 concentrations using the method of MLEF (iv) End of the cycle, 3-D CO2 field was saved (used to start the next cycle) by running the transport model with optimized biases (v) This process was followed for the remaining cycles In each cycle, minimize the cost function by maximum likelihood method. Minimization is done in a reduced space (preconditioned space).

18 Assimilation Scheme . . . 1st Cycle 13th Cycle 4 Weeks 2nd Cycle
13th Cycle 4 Weeks 2nd Cycle 4 Weeks 3rd Cycle 4 Weeks 30 Ensemble members Results are given for 13 cycles

19 Results Figure 4: Map of the monthly means of true land fluxes for year 2006 KgC/m2/Sec (Units are in 10-8 )

20 % uncertainty reduction
Figure 5. Mean annual percentage uncertainty reduction for recovered biases using continuous and flask measurements

21 % uncertainty reduction
Figure 6. Mean annual percentage uncertainty reduction for recovered biases using continuous, flask and CONTRAIL measurements

22 Ongoing and future work:
(I) Test the model performance for the pseudodata experiment by increasing the ensemble size. (II) Run the experiment with real data.

23 References Baker, I. T., Denning, A. S., Hanan, N., Prihodko, L., Vidale, P. –L., Davis, K., and Bakwin, P Simulated and observed fluxes of sensible and latent heat and CO2 at the WLEF-TV Tower using SiB2.5.Global Change Biol. 9, CONTRAIL, Comprehensive Observation Network for Trace Gases by Airliner. (Available online at: [Accessed: 10th December 2013]. Jiang, F., Wang, H. W., Chen, J. M., Zhou, L. X., Ju, W. M., Ding, A. J., Liu, L. X., and Peters, W Nested atmospheric inversion for the terrestrial carbon sources and sinks in China. Biogeosciences, 10, 5311–5324.   Kawa, S. R., Erickson III, D. J., Pawson, S., and Zhu, Z Global CO2 transport simulations using meteorological data from the NASA data assimilation system. J. Geophys. Res. 109(D18), doi: /2004JD

24 Lokupitiya, R. S. , Zupanski, D. , Denning, A. S. , Kawa, S. R
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25 Peters, W. , Miller, J. B. , Whitaker, J. , Denning, A. S. , Hirsch, A
Peters, W., Miller, J. B., Whitaker, J., Denning, A. S., Hirsch, A., Krol, M. C., Zupanski, D., Bruhwiler, L., and Tans, P. P An ensemble data assimilation system to estimate CO2 surface fluxes from atmospheric trace gas observations. J. Geophys. Res. 110(D24), doi: /2005JD Zupanski, D., Denning, A. S., Uliasz, M., Zupanski, M., Schuh, A. E., Rayner, P. J., and Peters, W Carbon flux bias estimation employing Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF). J. Geophys. Res. 112, D17107, doi: /2006JD   Zupanski, M Maximum likelihood ensemble filter: Theoretical aspects. Mon. Wea. Rev.133,  

26 Acknowledgements: This research is supported by the grants from
National Research Council, Sri Lanka I would also like to thank Dr. Prabir Patra for providing CONTRAIL aircraft information.

27 My supervisor (P.I.): Co-investigators:
Dr. R.S. lokupitiya (P.I.), University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka Co-investigators: Dr. E. Y. K. Lokupitiya, University of colombo, Sri Lanka Prof. R. G. N. Meegama, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka Dr. Prabir Kumar Patra, Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Prof. A. Scott Denning, Colorado State University, USA

28 Thank You

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