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God Gives the Increase.

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1 God Gives the Increase

2 Introduction The statement, “God gives the increase,” occurring in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, helps us maintain proper perspective as preachers and teachers. Contextually, Paul condemned the carnality of the Corinthians. Filled with jealousy and strife, one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos.” Such competitiveness is childish and divisive (1 Cor. 1:10-13; 3:1-17).

3 Attitudes to Avoid If we are puffed up regarding our ability or accomplishments (or that of our favorite preacher/teacher), remember Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 4:6-7.

4 Attitudes to Avoid Furthermore, let us not emphasize technique over truth. May we avoid a “sales quota” or “salesman of the year” mentality.

5 Attitudes to Avoid The gospel of Christ has obvious benefits and blessings which must be effectively communicated. Yet, focus should be upon the power of the Word, not our own persuasiveness. Let us present the truth honestly and accurately, not watering down or adulterating its message (Ezek. 3:16-21; 2 Tim. 4:1-5).

6 Attitudes to Cultivate
In the place of pride, let us cultivate a spirit of humility (Prov. 16:19; Rom. 12:16). God is everything, but we are nothing (Psa. 33:16- 17; Eccles. 9:11).

7 Attitudes to Cultivate
Life-changing power resides not in an inspiring presentation, but in the Inspired Word of God (Isa. 55:10-11; Rom. 1:16-17; Heb. 4:12). God gives the increase, not only in conversions, but also in personal growth (1 Cor. 1:26-31; 1 Cor. 15:9-11).

8 Conclusion While individual efforts are important, we are part of a bigger picture. The term “fellow workers” occurs frequently, referring to brethren well-known and unknown.

9 Challenge Faithful workers are one, united in precept and purpose; yet, each is rewarded according to his own labor. Are we well known or unknown? It matters not. Shifting the focus from self to the Savior, let us preach the Word, planting and watering as time and opportunity permits, praising God for any resulting growth.

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