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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization

2 Industrialization American Industry Revolution started in early 1800’s
Progressed slowly Million worked in Industry Population = 30 Million After Civil War Industry took off Early US=World’s leading industrial nation 1914 US Gross National Product 8X greater the 1865

3 What led to these changes?
Resources People Government involvement Technology

4 Natural Resources The US had vast natural resources Water Timber Coal
Iron Copper Bought cheaply, don’t need to import Most resources were in the West -Settlement helped to locate them Expanding RR brought settlers west and took material east

5 Natural Resources New resources Petroleum (oil)
Kerosene for lamps and stoves Basis for petroleum industry By 1900 – Oil wells from PA to TX

6 The Workforce 1860-1910 – US population tripled Workers =
lower class white freed slaves Immigrants Increase in population = higher demand for consumer goods

7 The Workforce Economic Cycle


9 Government Role in Industry
Laissez-Faire – French for “Let Do” Government should not interfere w/ business Governments Role: Decrease spending, decrease taxes No costly regulations No wage or price control Trying to create Free market Competition Greater efficiency Supply and Demand regulates market

10 Government Role In Industry
legislation to help business = Tariffs & Subsidies passed the Morrill Tariff = triple tariff Higher Tariffs hurt Americans in foreign trade -opposite of Laissez-Faire -Europe placed higher tariffs on US goods

11 Inventions Light bulb Thomas Edison 1879

12 Inventions Phonograph Thomas Edison 1877

13 Inventions Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1876

14 inventions Gas powered car Duryea Brothers 1895

15 Inventions inventions helped increase national production; improve transportation and communication

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