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Лото для игры по английскому языку

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Presentation on theme: "Лото для игры по английскому языку"— Presentation transcript:

1 Лото для игры по английскому языку
«Традиции Британии – неизвестное и интересное» “ British traditions – unknown and interesting”.

2 British symbols British symbols


4 John Bull British bulldog Union Jack Tower Bridge Stonehenge Shamrock The English flag The White and the Red rose

5 British traditions British traditions


7 Ceremony of the Keys The Queen’s speech in the Parliament Trooping the Color Upping the swans Tea-drinking Changing of the Guard Bagpiper Her Majesty, the Queen Traditional clothes

8 British festivals and games


10 Robert Burns Pancake (racing) Maypole Punch and Judy Eisteddfod Morris dance Tossing the caber Throwing the hammer Piping competition

11 Some British holidays British holidays


13 Bonfire night Halloween St. Valentine’s Day April Fools Day Guy Fawkes Day Easter Christmas New Years Day Thanksgiving Day

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