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Lecture 1: Introduction

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1 Lecture 1: Introduction
Li Gan Department of Economics Texas A&M University

2 Syllabus Weekly quizzes - 20% Homework assignments – 20%
Two midterm exams – 15% each Final exam – 30%

3 Syllabus Each quiz: 3 multiple choice questions Each homework:
25 multiple choice questions – please use scantron 3 essay questions

4 Syllabus First midterm: Tuesday, Feb 22nd, in class.
Second midterm: Tuesday, March 31st, in class Final: Friday, May 6th: 12:30-2:30 Makeup exam: Saturday, May 7th.

5 Office Hours Gan: TA: Gaosheng Ju TuTh 11:30-1:00pm or by appointment
Allen 3086 Phone: TA: Gaosheng Ju MW 10:00am – 11:30am Allen 3012 Phone:

6 Introduction Key factors in making choices or optimization
Key difficulty in economics Key tools for this course Key questions in this course

7 Key factors to making choices or optimization
Making choices under scarcity For individuals, key factors to make choices? For firms, key factors to make choices? For government, key factors to make choices?

8 Key factor #1: objective
All decisions require an objective. What is your objective of taking this course?

9 Key factor #1: objective
Individual objective: Utility Firm objective: Profit Government objective: ?

10 Key factor #2: constraints
Budget constraint Time constraint

11 Budget constraint Individual budget constraint? Income
Government budget constraint? Tax revenue

12 Key factor #3: choose at margin
Compare marginal cost and marginal benefit. When they are equal, the optimal is achieved.

13 Choose at the margin: For firms:
The cost of hiring additional worker is his/her wage. Compare with the benefit of having this additional worker. If benefit > cost, hire If benefit < cost, not hire

14 New concept from this course:
Overtime optimization Individual overtime optimization? Working right now, enjoy later Studying in college and making more money later

15 Overtime optimization
Government overtime optimization Borrowing money to spend: budget deficit – 14 trillion dollars of debt!

16 Externality: Question: is self interest consistent with social interest?

17 Examples Most are consistent Entrepreneurship

18 Examples Noisy party late on Friday night
Ongoing financial crisis – Soloman Brothers and other investment banks borrow 30 times of their own capital to invest

19 Examples Medical services Free medical service
Co-pay in medical expenditure

20 The key difficulty in economic research
Difficulty in establishing causality Example:

21 Example: Demand and supply
Question: during Christmas seasons, demands for both consumer goods and air travel are higher. Why prices are often lower for consumer goods? Why prices for air tickets are often higher?

22 Demand and supply Price supply demand quantity

23 Demand and supply for consumer goods during Christmas seasons
Price supply demand quantity

24 Demand and supply for air travels goods during Christmas seasons
Price supply demand quantity

25 Causality is difficult to establish
Because many factors are changing simultaneously, it is difficult to establish the causality.

26 Key tools for studying this course
Graphs Mathematics

27 Graphs – a time series graph

28 Relationships between two variables: income per person and investment ratio

29 Necessary mathematics

30 Necessary mathematics

31 Necessary mathematics

32 Key questions to be answered in this course:
Why we have achieved so much But why growth is not smooth

33 Key question #1: why we have achieved so much

34 Key questions #2: why growth is not smooth - price

35 Key question #2: why growth is not smooth: unemployment

36 Summary Keys to optimization: Key difficulty: causality
Objectives Constraints Choose at margin New concept: overtime optimization Key difficulty: causality Key tools for this course: graph and math Key questions: Why we have achieved so much. Why growth varies so much overtime.

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