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Academic Integrity Quiz

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1 Academic Integrity Quiz

2 1 A student completes a paper and submits it for two courses, but each course requires "original work" prepared for the course, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C not sure

3 2 A student allows another to copy his or her work during an exam, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

4 3 A student uses copies of previous exams or quizzes to study, but the instructor does not return exam questions to keep, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

5 4 A student obtains information from someone who has taken the same exam in an earlier period; the instructor requires all exam takers to take a vow of silence, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

6 5 After taking an exam, a student "swipes" a copy of the exam that is not supposed to be "out", is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

7 6 A student obtains another student's paper,lab report, or homework from some source and turns it in as his or her original work, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

8 7 A student uses an electronic device, such as their cell phone or a programmable calculator during an exam when such devices are expressly forbidden, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

9 8 A student receives full credit on a team project on which he or she did little or no work, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

10 9 A student obtains an advanced copy of the exact same exam he or she is going to take and uses it for study, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

11 10 A student alters answers on a test returned for review and then gets credit for the "mistake", is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

12 11 A student team agrees to share information on a project or activity after the teacher explicitly forbids doing so, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

13 12 A student used a cheat sheet (notes or similiar material) during a closed book/journal/note exam, is this a case of cheating? A Yes B No C Not sure

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