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Chapter 3 Overview.

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1 Chapter 3 Overview



4 Why Civilizations? Control irrigation Warfare Trade Elite needs
Population density and limited resources

5 Urban Revolution-cities
Large size/scale Specialized workers Political/administrative capital Center of culture Exchange-local and long distance manufacturing

6 Hierarchy of Equality Inequalities in wealth, status and power
Upper class-wealthy, top positions, no labor Free commoners-artisans, low level officials, soldiers, police, servants, farmers Slaves-prisoner of war, criminal, debtors

7 Rise of the State Central to First Civilizations Coercion and consent
Serves needs of upper classes Uses force to secure will Claim authority through the gods Writing and accounting Grandeur of kings

8 Bows Assyrian Mesopotamian

9 Iron Weapons

10 Ziggurats

11 pyramids

12 Wall Decorations





17 What type of labor is required for these projects?
What is the likelihood of water or wind damage over time? To produce works like these, a civilization needed…….

18 Page 50…..

19 Indus Mesopotamia

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