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AP Vocabulary Second List.

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1 AP Vocabulary Second List

2 Objective Adjective (Adverb: Objectively) (SP: Objetivo)
“Based solely on fact, not opinion” If you look at the situation objectively, there is no evidence linking my client to the crime.

3 Subjective Adjective (Adverb: Subjectively) (SP: Subjetivo)
“Based on opinion or interpretation” Deciding the greatest movie ever made is subjective; there is no one right answer.

4 Ambivalent Adjective Means “Undecided” or “uncertain how you feel about something” I was ambivalent about whether it would be better to sit through a Justin Bieber concert or have my head repeatedly slammed in a car door; I chose the car door.

5 Accountable Adjective Means “Responsible (for something)”
You are accountable for your actions once you turn 18; until then, you can get away with anything.

6 Contentious Adjective Means “Controversial”
Sp: contencioso Donald Sterling made several contentious remarks that ended up getting him banned from the NBA for life.

7 Emulate Verb Means “To imitate”
Emulates, emulated, emulating Means “To imitate” Positive connotation Every time I played basketball as a child, I emulated Michael Jordan by sticking out my tongue.

8 Sporadic Adjective Means “infrequent” or “rare”
Sporadically (adverb) Means “infrequent” or “rare” Your sporadic bathing habits may have something to do with your difficulty in getting dates.

9 Affable Adjective Means “likeable” or “friendly”
Most people consider him to be quite affable, so he fits in well wherever he goes.

10 Fathom Verb Means “to understand”
“fathomable” (adj.), Unfathomable (adj.) I cannot fathom why anyone likes Kanye West; that guy is an idiot. Such a thing is unfathomable.

11 Feasible Adjective Means “Able to be done”
Running a marathon is feasible for most people, as long as they train for it.

12 Verbose Adjective Means “using too many words” or “long-winded”
Her description of her day at work was verbose, so I pretended to listen while I watched TV.

13 Concise Adjective Means “using just enough words” or “to-the-point”
Please provide a concise list of your concerns and I will address them in order.

14 ardent Adjective “Enthusiastic” or “Passionate” about something
He was an ardent comic book fan, so Comic-con was the highlight of his year.

15 Dissuade Verb Means “to discourage (from doing something)”
Dissuades, dissuaded, dissuading Means “to discourage (from doing something)” The signs posted everywhere should have dissuaded him from trying to swim with the orcas; however, he ignored them.

16 Dejected Adjective Means “depressed” or “discouraged”
The whole team was dejected after being blown out by over 100 points.

17 Equivocate Verb “To avoid making a definite statement” (Usually to avoid telling the truth.) When she asked him who he was texting, he equivocated, which made her even more suspicious.

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