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Fall Essay Research Questions.

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1 Fall Essay Research Questions

2 The Purpose Research topic and develop a thesis driven essay defining and proving the topic’s impact on some aspect of African culture. Not an informational report. Argue how your topic is historically significant and prove that argument with concrete factual support.

3 Topic vs. Question Your topic is a noun or phrase
Aztecs Pizarro conquers the Incas Fascism Your question should be a complete sentence. Lets a few past examples from 10th grade research papers

4 Focus Too broad a topic means only covering the surface of that person or issue The Russian Revolution would be too big to manage in a reasonable length paper Focus on one issue within that topic How did Tsar Nicholas’ policies contribute to the Russian Revolution?

5 Types of Questions: Reference
Reference questions are typically answered with known facts or statistics. You will likely have to ask some reference questions in your research. Ex: "What percentage of drug-related crime in 1999 was committed by dealers, not users?"

6 Types of Questions: Report
Review or report questions are typically answered with what is generally known about a fairly narrow topic. Ex: “How did the original thirteen colonies become the United States?”

7 Types of Questions: Research
Research questions are open-ended. They require a variety of accumulated information from different sources to develop an answer, and the student is required to draw his or her own conclusions. Ex: "How does Hawaii's location and climate affect its economy?”

8 Some ways to begin a research question:
Why… How… What are the effects of… What are the consequences of… Contrast (then & now) What was the influence of ___ on ___?

9 Thesis-Driven Paper A thesis-driven paper makes an arguable claim and defends it. Do not confuse a research paper with a report: you need to offer a thesis about your topic and then present evidence and analysis that provides support and explanation.

10 The good, the bad, the ugly
Thesis Statements The good, the bad, the ugly

11 The Bad Too broad The Renaissance sparked in European minds the transformation of artists into individual achievers and artwork into a form of expression.

12 The Bad Too specific The pentathlon event was one of the original events from the Ancient Olympics and remains as a part of the Modern Olympics representing, as it has changed over time, the change in what society thinks is most important in athletics.

13 The Bad Too obvious Leonardo’s masterpieces of art and science contributed heavily to the success of the Renaissance, and as well as becoming the base for modern inventions, his contributions earned him the title of a true Renaissance man.

14 The Ugly: Un-provable The bombing of Pearl Harbor indirectly caused the Cold War because it drew America into WWII, creating two superpowers that split Europe between two new factions.

15 The Good Specific and provable
The injustice in Lenin’s life paralleled the conditions in Russia, fueling Lenin to lead the revolution that would change the face of Russian politics.

16 The Good Dissent and large scale protests on the part of the German people in response to the oppression and injustice they experienced under communist rule, as symbolized by the Berlin Wall, impacted Gorbachev’s policies in a way that ultimately led to the demise of the Soviet Union.

17 Things to avoid: Topics very hard to argue
i.e. people’s attitudes changing, hypotheticals, etc. If you can plug in another topic into your thesis and it still makes sense, it’s too broad

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