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In Nothing Ashamed.

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1 In Nothing Ashamed

2 Philippians 1:19-20 Paul expresses confidence that he will be delivered from troubles he’s facing (in a Roman prison) He lived with the hope that “in nothing I shall be ashamed” To be ashamed is to be disgraced or dishonored because of something that brings regret in its doing, or failure to do so.

3 Philippians 1:19-20 We live in a world filled with shame There are things that are shameful within themselves There are those engaged in shameful conduct There are those who view followers of God and His word as shameful Do we let such things keep us from boldly professing our faith? Let us NOT allow what the world thinks cause us to be ashamed of that which God is NOT ashamed of!

4 In Nothing Ashamed

5 Are we ashamed of Jesus? Mark 8:38
Jesus is calling for a commitment to Him that will never deny Him Jesus lived causing many to follow and love Him. But others despised Him and His followers. This was foretold – Isaiah 53:3, 8:14 He WAS despised and rejected!

6 Are we ashamed of Jesus? To follow Jesus came with a tremendous cost. There were threats against His disciples – cf. John 12:42, 9:22, etc. Many thus denied Him, even though they believed in Him Even His disciples at times denied Him – Peter 3 times, etc.

7 Are we ashamed of Jesus? The animosity against disciples continued as recorded in Acts and the epistles But faithful disciples did not let that deter them. Consider Acts 4:19-20

8 We must NOT be ashamed of Jesus, even if this comes with a cost!
Are we ashamed of Jesus? Jesus is not ashamed of those who follow Him! Matthew 10:32-33 Hebrews 11:16, God is not ashamed of those who in faith follow Him Hebrews 2:11, Jesus is not ashamed to call us brethren We must NOT be ashamed of Jesus, even if this comes with a cost!

9 Are we ashamed of the gospel?
Romans 1:16-17 Preaching the gospel took great toll on Paul. But he didn’t care because he was not ashamed of the gospel. The gospel is the “good news” – 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 It contains all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), and cuts to the heart (Hebrews 4:12, cf. Acts 2:37, etc.)

10 Are we ashamed of the gospel?
Romans 1:16-17 But the gospel message is not always popular, even in this day. Attacked by skeptics, those who reject it cf. 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 Even by professed followers it is watered down and doctrinally rejected (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Many despise its exclusive nature - Matthew 7:21-23

11 Are we ashamed of the gospel?
Romans 1:16-17 To boldly stand for the gospel may come with considerable cost. But we cannot be ashamed. 2 Timothy 1:8 Are we willing to speak up and defend the Lord and His word?

12 Are we ashamed to suffer?
1 Peter 4:14-16 Jesus warned that we might suffer to follow Him Mark 13:12-13, Matthew 5: John 15:18-21

13 Are we ashamed to suffer?
1 Peter 4:14-16 A theme of Peter’s letter 1 Peter 1:6-7 – various trials 1 Peter 2:18-24 – servants, be willing. Jesus sets the example 1 Peter 3:13-17 – you are blessed in suffering for righteousness sake 1 Peter 4:12-19 – do not think it strange. You partake with Christ

14 Are we ashamed to suffer?
1 Peter 4:14-16 We must not be ashamed to face humiliation, and even abuse for the cause of Christ. God knows and will reward us Warning: Do we associate our self- inflicted sufferings with the cause of Christ?

15 Are we ashamed of brethren?
2 Timothy 1:8, 16 Paul urges Timothy to not be ashamed of his chains. Commends Onesiphorus for the same Would we be ashamed of brethren as they face rejection and persecutions for the gospel’s sake? Rather than being associated with them, do we say nothing?

16 Are we ashamed of brethren?
2 Timothy 1:8, 16 Another concern: Are we ashamed of our brethren because of externals? Ethnicity, social or financial status, culture or even their social awkwardness? Do we look down on them? We are a diverse family and every part is needed! 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

17 Are we a worker not ashamed?
2 Timothy 2:15 We are to be diligently working to be approved to God. The emphasis is to be busy, as a worker (workman) What would cause a worker to be ashamed? 1) He fails to do his work; 2) His work is shoddy (inferior)

18 Are we a worker not ashamed?
2 Timothy 2:15 Others ought to know our devotion by our busyness, and the quality of our work. In time it will manifest itself An example – how do we handle the word of God? Do our brethren see our spiritual growth? Do we properly interpret scripture? 1 Timothy 4:15 Let us work so that when we stand before God we will NOT be ashamed!

19 1 John 2:28, And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. Are we living our lives so that when He returns, we will NOT be ashamed as we stand before Him?

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