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Adversity (n.) Poverty; misfortune

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1 Adversity (n.) Poverty; misfortune
Some people believe that adversity improves the character, making one a stronger and more understanding person.

2 Aloof (adj.) Apart; reserved
The new student was aloof for a few weeks, adjusting to her new classmates.

3 Braggart (n.) Boaster; one who puts himself above others
The basketball player became a bit of a braggart when he scored the game-winning shot.

4 Colloquial (adj.) Pertaining to conversational or common speech
Colloquial words and expressions should not be used in formal English.

5 Cryptic (adj.) Mysterious; hidden; secret
The mom was suspicious of her daughter when she received a cryptic message about her daughter’s whereabouts.

6 Debilitate (v.) To weaken
The “Ice Bucket Challenge” is to raise awareness for ALS, a disease that gradually debilitates the muscles.

7 Deprecate (v.) To express disapproval of; belittle
Miss H. doesn’t think it’s fair to deprecate students or their work.

8 Exemplary (adj.) Serving as a model; outstanding
Molly displayed exemplary leadership skills and impressed her new boss very much.

9 Facilitate (v.) Help bring about; make less difficult
To help the students understand the lesson, the teacher decided to facilitate the whole thing.

10 Garrulous (adj.) Talkative; wordy
Michael was so nervous that his two-minute speech turned into a garrulous jumble of words.

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